Award Winners 2013

The National Lottery Awards occurs every year where thousands of projects who are changing lives with National Lottery funding have the opportunity to tell their story to the nation. Check out who the 2013 Winners were at the BBC star-studded event #charity #socialgood #notforprofit #activism
19 Pins
Members from The Misfits Theatre Company rehearsing foro one of their fantastic shows. #NLAwards
Children from Seven Stories having fun at the Julia Donaldson exhibition.
Winners Sustrans Connect 2 'The First Portrait Bench' by Chandra Prasad
Winner's of Best Education Project 2013 - Seven Stories show the young people in action #NLAwards
Winners of Best Arts Project 2013, The Mistfits Theatre Company 'Thursday Group' putting on a show.
Kate Humble surprises Sustrans Connect on their 2013 #NLAward for Best Environment Project.
Ricky Tomlinson surprises Gartnavel Chapel Cancer Support in Glasgow with their #NLAward for Best Heritage Project 2013
The Ichthyosis Support Group celebrating success with Len Goodman on Best Health Award 2013 #NLAwards
Len Goodman surprises Ichthyosis Support Group with Best Health Award 2013. Perhaps Len is also considering a new career change?
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