Affirmations | Self Love

Affirmations for self love and confidence building. Creating a positive mindset about your self image.
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Happy Valentines Day! Today is about celebrating love which I think is a beautiful thing to celebrate. We should honestly celebrate love more often and the world would look very different. Today, make time to do things just for you- loving and caring for yourself the way you love and care for others. Love every part of you that makes you YOU, and this love will be reflected back to you. #mkmagicmindset #happyvalentinesday #selfloveaffirmations #selflovefirst #selfloveclub #selflovemovement #
Negative Thought Patterns
It's not about fighting the negative thoughts, or trying to be toxically and unrealistically positive all the time. That's just not how human beings are meant to operate! Let yourself feel how you feel to release it, and from there you can begin to reframe instead of getting caught in it. #mkmagicmindset #powerfulthoughts #powerofthought #universehasyourback #youarepowerful #innerguidance #selfaware #positivityiskey #mindsetiseverything #successmindset #mindsetmakeover
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Here are some affirmations to play around with this month. Which one resonates with you the most?? #mkmagicmindset #affirmationsoftheday #augustaffirmations #monthylaffirmations #morningaffirmations #powerfulthoughts #powerofthought #universehasyourback #youarepowerful #innerguidance #selfaware #positivityiskey #mindsetiseverything #successmindset #mindsetmakeover #manifestyourlife #manifestingabundance #manifestyourdreams #manifesting2021 #manifestingmindset
I am the author of my reality
It's time to write your own story instead of letting circumstances write your story. Change your mind, change your perspective, and operate from the belief that anything and everything is possible. #mkmagicmindset #powerfulthoughts #powerofthought #universehasyourback #youarepowerful #innerguidance #selfaware #mindsetiseverything #successmindset #mindsetmakeover
valentines day
To receive the love you want, it starts with knowing you are worthy of setting those standards. It's safe for you to be seen, heard, understood, and loved for all that you are. #mkmagicmindset happy valentines day | valentines day quotes | you are worthy | manifesting love | manifest your soulmate
In case you needed this reminder today. Tag someone below who needs to hear this today.
I am only available for the best affirmation
Set your standards, and continue to raise them. You have the power to choose what you are available for, and what you will no longer tolerate. PS- have you tried my new Love Affirmation Series Meditation? If you haven't be sure to click the link in my bio for @youtube to try it out now! #mkmagicmindset #manifestedrealities #manifestationgeneration #manifestations #manifestationmachine #manifestationstation #manifestationmagic #lawofmanifestation #manifestationcreations #manifestationboard #
If you rush it you will ruin it
Stop trying to rush everything and instead trust the process. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the reason that certain things haven't manifested for you truly comes down to the fact that something needs to be rearranged to make space, or you need to first live a certain experience, or something even better needs to fall into place? There is magic in surrendering to the process, while deeply knowing it's all working out in your favor. You weren't born had to roll, then c
Be the light
There are plenty of things out of your control... but the one thing you can control is your point of view and perspective. In a world that can seem chaotic, and overwhelming at times- don't let your light dim based on what is happening around you. Instead choose to start from within... choosing how you want to feel, what you want to see, what you want life to be like, what you want to create... and let that light that is deep within you shine bright. No one gets to dim that light. ((PS- zoom
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In case you need a reminder today. Share this reminder with someone else- tag them below. #mkmagicmindset #lawofattractioncoach #lawofattractionplanner #lawofattractionlife #lawofattractiontips #lawofattractionguide #manifestyourlife #manifestingabundance #manifestyourdreams #manifesting2021 #manifestingmindset #powerfulthoughts #powerofthought #universehasyourback #youarepowerful #innerguidance #selfaware #positivityiskey #mindsetiseverything #successmindset #mindsetmakeover
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This is your daily reminder that life is happening right now! It's time to bet on yourself and go all in. Commit to unapologetically going after what you want, knowing that when you follow what feels right, everything always works out for you! #mkmagicmindset #lawofattractiontools #lawofattractiontips #manifestationmagic #lawofabundance #highervibration #manifestyourlife #manifestingabundance #manifestyourdreams #manifesting2022 #manifestingmindset #higherfrequency #highestself #spiritualevolu
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Did you know that in order to manifest something, you need to start by feeling worthy and deserving of it. Often times people give out conflicting energy when it comes to manifesting- wanting something but also feeling like it's impossible or that someone like them doesn't get things like that....but the truth is you are worthy of it all. Use these affirmations to remind yourself of who you are and what you deserve. #mkmagicmindset #selfloveaffirmations #selflovefirst #selfloveclub #selflovem
Take this as your sign that everything is shifting in your favor. It's all working out. Everything is getting better by the second. You always get exactly what you want. And you are fully supported. Tag a friend who needs this sign today PS- The full moon is in a few days and tonight is the night to start using the Full Moon meditation for best results! Click the link in my bio for @youtube and look for the Full Moon Manifesting Meditation #mkmagicmindset #thisisyoursign #spreadposi
Everything starts with you. In case you needed this reminder today! #mkmagicmindset #powerfulthoughts #powerofthought #universehasyourback #youarepowerful #innerguidance #selfaware #positivityiskey #mindsetiseverything #successmindset #mindsetmakeover #manifestyourlife #manifestingabundance #manifestyourdreams #manifesting2021 #manifestingmindset