Bible Verses

Inspirational Bible verses|Encouraging Bible verses|Bible verse quotes|Bible verses for strength|Bible verses about love|Short Bible verses|Bible verses for women|Best Bible verse|Bible verses for kids| Powerful Bible verses|Bible verses about faith|Family Bible verses|Daily Bible verses|Marriage Bible verses|Bible verses about friendship|Bible verses about healing|Hope Bible verses|Comforting Bible verses|Peace Bible verses| Scriptures|Bible Truths|Promises of God|Scripture Printable Free|
186 Pins
16 Encouraging Bible Verse Cards for Cancer Patients
These Scripture Cards are a perfect gift of hope, strength and encouragement for a friend or family member who’s a cancer patient. Let them know that you support them and are thinking of them by encouraging them with the Promises of God.
Encouraging Bible coloring pages for women
What transition are you going through in your life? Have you suddenly become a homeschool mom? Do you have a newborn? Is it a new career? Or a new church? These 7 Scriptures about change and transition will help and guide you through the process and new season of life you find yourself in. Download the Free Scripture Coloring sheets today. #biblecoloringforwomen #biblecoloringsheets #changebibleverses #growthscriptures #biblecoloringpages
FREE Scripture Coloring pages
These are 7 Beautiful Scripture adult coloring pages for women going through a times of transition and change. It could be your marital status, your financials, your job or a change in the stage of your kids. All the same, God's word will encourage, guide and help you along the way. Download your FREE printable coloring book today. #printableadultcoloringpages #freecoloringpagesforwomen #biblecoloringpagesforwomen #biblecoloringsheets #changebibleverses
12 Bible verses about Planning for 2023
These 12 Great Bible verses about planning show us that through prayer and prioritizing God, His will and purpose will benefit us. What we plan should be aligned with God’s word and His guidance and direction. Get a head start and be inspired to plan for 2023 with these great scriptures. #printable2023planner #best2023planner #bestmomplanner #hisplanningbibleverses #godhasaplanbibleverse
12 Bible Verses for Planning 2023
God has plans for us as His children and they are good plans. This is one of the most encouraging promises of God. If God is not leaving everything to chance then why should we? Be inspired to start planning for 2023 with these 12 Bible verses. #hisplanningbibleverses #godhasaplanbibleverse #howtoplan2023 #planningtips #futureplanningbibleverses
23 Bible Verses to overcome fear and anxiety
If you’re tired of being held back in life by fear, then these Bible verses about overcoming fear will be great for you to hold onto. Memorizing these 23 scriptures about overcoming fear and using them whenever you get scared will help you walk in truth and victory.:sunglasses: #overcomingfearbibleverses #goddidnotgiveusaspiritoffearbible verses #dontfearscriptures #Ishallnotfearbibleverses #livinginfearbibleverses
Do You See Yourself Like God Sees You?
Many things can hinder us from seeing ourselves as God sees us. He calls us to learn to see ourselves the way He does!
16 Free Scripture Cards for Girls
Girls are a blessing from the Lord and it's important we support them to grow spiritually. This is a great (and FREE😎) resource to equip young girls to connect with God and store His word in their hearts. Download yours today. #freeprintablescripturecards #printablescripturecardsforkids #printablescripturecardsforgirls #printablebibleversecards #inspirationalbibleversesforgirls
Overwhelmed by Life: Bible Verses for Life When We are Overwhelmed!
Are you overwhelmed by life? Are you possibly facing an unknown health diagnosis’? When you have multiple autoimmune disorders it can be difficult to remain strong in your faith.
23 Bible Verses to overcome fear and anxiety
If you’re tired of being held back in life by fear, then these Bible verses about overcoming fear will be great for you to hold onto. Memorizing these 23 scriptures about overcoming fear and using them whenever you get scared will help you walk in truth and victory.😎 #overcomingfearbibleverses #goddidnotgiveusaspiritoffearbible verses #dontfearscriptures #Ishallnotfearbibleverses #livinginfearbibleverses
5 Encouraging Bible Verses for Troubled Times and Trials in Life
Are you facing troubled times and trials in life? Read here for Scripture about trials and troubles. You will also find a list of free devotionals for hope in the Lord.
Faith Blog by DUO Inspirations (Post 63)
Faith Blog by DUO Inspirations ponders the words in 1 John 4:8 and reflecting the love of God.
The Gift of Time
Time is a gift from God and when we value that gift it resets our perspective on what is important in life...