
43 Pins
Custom Made Mosaic Planter with Roses
Each product is customized by working closely with the buyer and a photo of the subject they have chosen to be depicted. I try as much as possible to create an exact likeness of their subject and it is then placed onto the planter with a background color of their choice. It should be noted that when working with stained glass, no two pieces will be exactly the same. I can duplicate a piece I have previously made but because of variegated streaks and tones in glass, there will be slight differenc
thanks to Gina Dominguez of Snapshot Mosaics in Montclair http://www.snapshotmosaics.com/custominstallations1.htm#
What Materials Can Be Used To Make Mosaics? [15 Great Options] - CraftsBliss.com
What Materials Can Be Used To Make Mosaics? [15 Great Options] - CraftsBliss.com