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Reebok Delta new brand mark – Feel Desain | your daily dose of creativity
Reebok Delta new brand mark
Solomon 3:4 in Hebrew "I have found the one whom my soul loves" We had it tattooed on our rib because Eve was formed from Adam's rib. And as the Bible explains for marriage...the two became one flesh
Chests. (Tattoologist)
Husband gets it in wife's handwriting, and wife gets it in husband's handwriting. Oh I just LOVE this!!! <3
me Archives - Love and Marriage
Matching Couple Tattoos I wouldn't get this as a couple tattoo..but I like the placement+Roman numerals.
Parents: Parenting News & Advice for Moms and Dads - TODAY.com
Exactly what I am getting after Callie is born with her first and middle name and date that she was born. Possibly getting a background print to it as well or more grey wash for the realistic feel.
30 Cool Wedding Date Tattoos To Get Inspired - Weddingomania
This is EXACTLY what I want after I get married!!
fierce lion tattoo Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Horseshoe Stencils Free | TattooFinder.com : Winning Horseshoe tattoo design by Scott Bruns