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Evening fabric inspiration for this time of year 🎄Which palette is your favourite for evening wear? . #coloranalysis #colouranalysis #coloranalyst #summerpalette #winterpalette #springpalette #autumnpalette
The Bright Spring Palette | Curate Your Style
Colour Analysis - Bright Spring Palette Overtone Comparison. It’s truly remarkable that despite having four distinct overtones, these elegant ladies effortlessly complement all the shades within the Bright Spring palette. . #coloranalysis #colouranalysis #coloranalyst #springpalette#brightspring #solange #emmastone #kerrywashington
Colour Analysis - Bright Spring Palette Overtone Comparison. It’s truly remarkable that despite having four distinct overtones, these elegant ladies effortlessly complement all the shades within the Bright Spring palette. . #coloranalysis #colouranalysis #coloranalyst #springpalette #brightspring #solange #emmastone #kerrywashington
The warm-toned edition for our lovely Spring and Autumn ladies 🍂 You requested more colourful outfit combinations for this season, what are your thoughts? Do you have a favourite you will be trying? . #coloranalysis #colouranalysis #coloranalyst #springpalette #autumnpalette #autumnfashion
Colour Analysis - Bright Spring Palette Overtone Comparison
Colour Analysis - Bright Spring Palette Overtone Comparison. It’s truly remarkable that despite having four distinct overtones, these elegant ladies effortlessly complement all the shades within the Bright Spring palette. #coloranalysis #colouranalysis #springpalette #brightspring #brightspringcolors
Best Greens for Each Season - flourishstyling.co
Best Greens for Each Season - flourishstyling.co
Warm / True Spring Mood Board No.2 by Style Identity
#moodboard #warmspring #truespring #frühlingstyp #coloranalysis #colouranalysis #farbberatung #kibbebodytypes #bodytypestyling #personalcoloranalysis #farbtypberatung #knowyourwowcolours #knowyourwowcolors #colourandstyle #seasonalcoloranalysis #imageberatung #farbenfroh #styleidentity #imageconsultant #wearyourcolours #yourbestcolors #colourtype #12farbtypen #farbberatungzurich #imageconsulting #imageconsultingzurich #colortheory #colourtheory #farbenlehre #munsell #huevaluechroma