caker problem

69 Pins
I think I spend more time washing up than decorating.. #cakerproblems
First time they didn't tell me it was a gravel road, I had already put the sugar flowers on the cake! #cakerproblems #alwaysaskiftheroadispaved
C'mon, we will learned to dowel somehow #leaningtowerofcake #cakerproblems
Who's had this happen? I admit, I've done it a few times. #cakerproblems
Next Tuesday's video is not a toy, but I did have to buy the real thing JUST to make the cake. Who else does this?
So glad summer is behind us. Sorry northern hemisphere, it's all yours! ‪#‎cakerproblems‬
Even 6pm on a weekday in Australia is a nightmare. I still have not gotten used to everything closing so early.
What's the craziest thing a client has said to you? Yes, this happened.. And no, the cake wasn't too big. Just a guest brought dessert to the entire wedding as a gift. I promise, you can't make this stuff up
In the beginning every cake order means buying a new cake pan..
Remake a cake topper 4 times. The first still looks the best.. Caker Problems
Okay, 20 is not really accurate. More like 60..but you get the idea.. #cakerproblem