Matching Activities Preschool Special Education

Matching Lesson Plans, Sorting Activities, Matching Vocabulary Words, Matching Colors, Matching Shapes, Sorting Colors, Sorting Shapes
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Top 10 Tips – How to Teach Math in Special Ed (Easy Ideas)
Math instruction can be a challenge. These top 10 tips show you how to teach math in special ed more effectively, especially in special ed. (1) Visuals. To use
Winter Activities, Stories, & Games For Your Preschool Special Education Classroom
Get ready for winter with these fun, engaging winter themed stories, activities, and games for your preschool or special education classroom. Use these activities during small group, large group, or individual work time. Activities focus on winter vocabulary, academic skills, following directions, and turn taking.
Gingerbread Man Stories, Activities & Centers Preschool Special Education
Get ready for the holidays with this Gingerbread Man bundle for your preschool or special education classroom. Bundle includes adapted stories, activities, work tasks, and center activities. Reinforce vocabulary words, colors, shapes, numbers, letters, matching, and sorting skills.
Gingerbread Man Stories, Activities, & Centers for Preschool Special Education
Get ready for the holidays with this Gingerbread Man bundle for your preschool or special education classroom. Bundle includes adapted stories, activities, work tasks, and center activities. Reinforce vocabulary words, colors, shapes, numbers, letters, matching, and sorting skills.
File Folder Activities And Games For Preschool Special Education
Yearlong Bundle Activities File Folder Games For Preschool Special Education This bundle is great for preschool or special education students and includes yearlong thematic file folder games that focus on vocabulary, colors, shapes, numbers 1-10, and uppercase and lowercase letters. Each file folder product contains four games.
Engaging center activities for your preschool special education students
Looking for fun ways to engage your preschool special educations students...try these sensory bin center ideas. Center activities focus on vocabulary, academic skills, turn taking, matching, and more! Keep your students motivated with these fun learning center ideas.
Gingerbread Man Adapted Colorful Story for Preschool Special Education
Let's get ready for the holidays with this adapted interactive gingerbread man colorful story. This simple, repetitive story is a fun way to reinforce basic colors in your preschool or special education classroom. Colorful gingerbread men are included to match for each page of the story. At the end of the story have your students sort the colorful gingerbread men in a field of 4 with the sorting mats.
Zoo Animals Activities File Folder Games For Preschool Special Education
Looking to get ready for the zoo in your preschool or special education classroom? Here are 5 different file folder easy prep activities targeting zoo or safari animal vocabulary words, zoo animal colors, zoo animal shapes, zoo numbers, zoo uppercase & lowercase alphabet letters. Match picture to picture, picture to photo, and picture to word for each academic skill.
Animals Activities File Folder Games Bundle For Preschool Special Education
Here are 3 resources with 5 different file folder games in each resource. Easy prep activities targeting farm, zoo, & sea animal vocabulary words, animal colors, animal shapes, numbers, uppercase & lowercase alphabet letters. Match picture to picture, picture to photo, and picture to word for each academic skill.
Thanksgiving Activities & Stories Preschool Special Education
Thanksgiving Activities & Stories Preschool Special Education Looking to get ready for Thanksgiving in your preschool or special education classroom? Here are 4 different easy prep Thanksgiving resources targeting vocabulary words, colors, shapes, numbers, counting, uppercase & lowercase alphabet letters. Adapted interactive stories, wh questions, matching games, academic games, & more!
Farm Animals Adapted Story Peek-a-Boo & Activities Preschool Special Education
Farm Animals Adapted Story Peek-a-Boo & Activities Preschool Special Education Get ready for farm fun with this peek-a-boo farm interactive story for your preschool or special education classroom. Read the simple, repetitive adapted story while matching the farm animals to make it interactive. When the story is complete, have your students complete the farm animal matching activity and answer the simple WH questions with visuals included.
Thanksgiving File Folder Games Preschool Special Education
Thanksgiving Activities File Folder Games For Preschool Special Education Looking to get ready for Thanksgiving in your preschool or special education classroom? Here are 5 different file folder easy prep activities targeting Thanksgiving Food vocabulary words, turkey colors, turkey shapes, turkey numbers, turkey counting, uppercase & lowercase alphabet letters.
Farm Sensory Bin Activities For Preschool Special Education
Farm Sensory Bin Activities For Preschool Special Education~ reinforce farm vocabulary, colors, & shapes with these farm sensory bin activities for your preschool or special education classroom. A fun way to engage with new vocabulary words and academic activities. Students love the sensory component and finding the items hiding in the bins!
Transportation Vehicle Sensory Bins Activities & Centers For Preschool Special Education
Transportation Vehicle Sensory Bins Activities & Centers For Preschool Special Education Have fun with sensory bins while reinforcing transportation vocabulary words and academic activities. Activities can be used during center time in your preschool or special education classroom. Skills include, transportation vocabulary words pictures and photos, vehicle themed colors, numbers, and sorting into categories to hide in a sensory bin.
Farm, Zoo, & Ocean Animals Sensory Bins Activities & Centers For Preschool Special Education
Farm, Zoo, & Ocean Animals Sensory Bins Activities & Centers For Preschool Special Education Have fun with sensory bins while reinforcing farm, zoo, & ocean animal vocabulary words and academic activities. Activities can be used during center time in your preschool or special education classroom. Skills include, farm, zoo, & sea animals vocabulary words pictures and photos, animal themed colors, shapes, numbers, and letters to hide in a sensory bin