Bible study

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Devotions for Christian Women
Devotions can be an valuable component to our faith walks, but choosing the right devotions that focus on God and not you can be a challenge. In this post, I share some of my favorite devotions for women and resources where you can find even more that you can trust to point you to Christ. #devotions #devotional #dailydevotional #dailydevotion #biblestudy #faith #prayer #dailyprayer
Biblical Wisdom From Proverbs!
This guide goes through Proverbs (chapter by chapter) and points out a lot of the advice it gives us. Seeing it all laid out in this way might come in handy when we’re seeking wisdom, learning to recognize it, praying for it, and practicing it.
Godly Fear is a Good Thing
What does it mean to "fear" God? This 1-minute devotion explains why fear of God…
The Story of Naomi in the Bible
The story of Naomi in the Bible is a powerful testament of how God has a plan for you even in the worst of circumstances.