Medieval Flags

Banners, pennons, gonfalons, pavons and all other period flags!
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The Maid of Ghent
The standard’s symbol of a maiden comes a 1388 poem by Bouden or Baudouin van der Loore, De maghet of Ghend (The Maiden of Ghent), a poem of 240-odd verses, which allegorically describes a war between the city of Ghent and Lodewijk van Maele, Count of Flanders fought between 1379 and 1385.
Battle standard (detail) of the Ghent civic militia emblazoned with the Maid of Ghent, attributed to Agnes vanden Bossche, ca 1482
The original 'Maid of Ghent' Standard c.1480. The design is painted onto cloth, while the 'g' is embroidered The lion was originally in silver leaf. In 1477 Fransoys van den Pitte was commissioned to paint similar flags for Bruge, on material provided by the tailor Jan Govaerd.
Battle standard (detail) of the Ghent civic militia emblazoned with the Maid of Ghent, attributed to Agnes vanden Bossche, ca 1482
Extant Banners and Flags from the Middle Ages and Renaissance
14th century banner with the arms of the dukes of Savoy with the family arms of de Blonays, in a combination of appliqué and embroidery
The West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild
14th-century lion and cross banner of the Blonays family. Applique and embroidery, 45 by 27 centimeters
The banner of count William VI of Holland surrounded by various coats of arms in the Kattendijke Chronicle (late 15th c,) f.382v