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Cited By
- Bannister M and Eppstein D Crossing Minimization for 1-page and 2-page Drawings of Graphs with Bounded Treewidth Revised Selected Papers of the 22nd International Symposium on Graph Drawing - Volume 8871, (210-221)
- Hopcroft J and Tarjan R (1973). Algorithm 447: efficient algorithms for graph manipulation, Communications of the ACM, 16:6, (372-378), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1973.
On-Line Planarity Testing
The on-line planarity-testing problem consists of performing the following operations on a planar graph $G$: (i) testing if a new edge can be added to $G$ so that the resulting graph is itself planar; (ii) adding vertices and edges such that ...
A linear-time algorithm for testing full outer-2-planarity
AbstractA planar graph can be drawn without edge crossings in the plane. It is well known that testing planarity of a graph can be solved in linear time. A graph is 1-planar, if it admits a 1-planar embedding, where each edge has at most one ...
Advances in C-Planarity Testing of Clustered Graphs
GD '02: Revised Papers from the 10th International Symposium on Graph DrawingA clustered graph C = ( G, T ) consists of an undirected graph G and a rooted tree T in which the leaves of T correspond to the vertices of G = ( V, E ). Each vertex in T corresponds to a subset of the vertices of the graph called "cluster"...