A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | |
1 | name | description | type | 6 | 7 | 8 | 6.default | 7.default | 8.default | kind | file |
2 | AbortVMOnException | Call fatal if this exception is thrown. Example: java -XX:AbortVMOnException=java.lang.NullPointerException Foo | ccstr | o | o | o | NULL | NULL | NULL | notproduct | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
3 | AbortVMOnExceptionMessage | Call fatal if the exception pointed by AbortVMOnException has this message | ccstr | o | o | o | NULL | NULL | NULL | notproduct | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
4 | AdaptivePermSizeWeight | Weight for perm gen exponential resizing, between 0 and 100 | uintx | o | o | x | 20 | 20 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | |
5 | AdaptiveSizeDecrementScaleFactor | Adaptive size scale down factor for shrinking | uintx | o | o | o | 4 | 4 | 4 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
6 | AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale | Time scale over which major costs decay | uintx | o | o | o | 10 | 10 | 10 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
7 | AdaptiveSizePausePolicy | Policy for changing generation size for pause goals | uintx | o | o | o | 0 | 0 | 0 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
8 | AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin | If collection costs are within margin, reduce both by full delta | uintx | o | o | o | 50 | 50 | 50 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
9 | AdaptiveSizePolicyGCTimeLimitThreshold | Number of consecutive collections before gc time limit fires | uintx | o | o | o | 5 | 5 | 5 | develop | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
10 | AdaptiveSizePolicyInitializingSteps | Number of steps where heuristics is used before data is used | uintx | o | o | o | 20 | 20 | 20 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
11 | AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval | Collection interval for printing information; zero means never | uintx | o | o | o | 0 | 0 | 0 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
12 | AdaptiveSizePolicyReadyThreshold | Number of collections before the adaptive sizing is started | uintx | o | o | o | 5 | 5 | 5 | develop | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
13 | AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight | Weight given to exponential resizing, between 0 and 100 | uintx | o | o | o | 10 | 10 | 10 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
14 | AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicy | Policy for changing generation size for throughput goals | uintx | o | o | o | 0 | 0 | 0 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
15 | AdaptiveTimeWeight | Weight given to time in adaptive policy, between 0 and 100 | uintx | o | o | o | 25 | 25 | 25 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
16 | AdjustConcurrency | Call thr_setconcurrency at thread creation time to avoid LWP starvation on MP systems (for Solaris Only) | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
17 | AggressiveOpts | Enable aggressive optimizations - see arguments.cpp | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
18 | AggressiveUnboxing | Control optimizations for aggressive boxing elimination | bool | x | x | o | FAUX | experimental | share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp | ||
19 | AliasLevel | 0 for no aliasing, 1 for oop/field/static/array split, 2 for class split, 3 for unique instances | intx | o | o | o | 3 | 3 | 3 | product | share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp |
20 | AlignEntryCode | aligns entry code to specified value (in bytes) | intx | o | x | x | 4 | develop | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | ||
21 | AlignVector | Perform vector store/load alignment in loop | bool | x | o | o | VRAI | VRAI | product | share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp | |
22 | AllocateInstancePrefetchLines | Number of lines to prefetch ahead of instance allocation pointer | intx | o | o | o | 1 | 1 | 1 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
23 | AllocatePrefetchDistance | Distance to prefetch ahead of allocation pointer | intx | o | o | o | -1 | -1 | -1 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
24 | AllocatePrefetchInstr | Prefetch instruction to prefetch ahead of allocation pointer | intx | o | o | o | 0 | 0 | 0 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
25 | AllocatePrefetchLines | Number of lines to prefetch ahead of array allocation pointer | intx | o | o | o | 3 | 3 | 3 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
26 | AllocatePrefetchStepSize | Step size in bytes of sequential prefetch instructions | intx | o | o | o | 16 | 16 | 16 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
27 | AllocatePrefetchStyle | 0 = no prefetch, 1 = prefetch instructions for each allocation, 2 = use TLAB watermark to gate allocation prefetch, 3 = use BIS instruction on Sparc for allocation prefetch | intx | o | o | o | 1 | 1 | 1 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
28 | AllowInvokeGeneric | accept MethodHandle.invoke and MethodHandle.invokeGeneric as equivalent methods | bool | o | x | x | FAUX | experimental | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | ||
29 | AllowJNIEnvProxy | Allow JNIEnv proxies for jdbx | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
30 | AllowNonVirtualCalls | Obey the ACC_SUPER flag and allow invokenonvirtual calls | bool | o | o | x | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | |
31 | AllowParallelDefineClass | Allow parallel defineClass requests for class loaders registering as parallel capable | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
32 | AllowUserSignalHandlers | Do not complain if the application installs signal handlers (Solaris & Linux only) | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
33 | AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine | Always act like a server-class machine | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
34 | AlwaysCompileLoopMethods | When using recompilation, never interpret methods containing loops | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
35 | AlwaysIncrementalInline | do all inlining incrementally | bool | x | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | develop | share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp | |
36 | AlwaysInflate | (Unstable) Force inflation | intx | o | x | x | 0 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | ||
37 | AlwaysLockClassLoader | Require the VM to acquire the class loader lock before calling loadClass() even for class loaders registering as parallel capable | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
38 | AlwaysPreTouch | Force all freshly committed pages to be pre-touched | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
39 | AlwaysRestoreFPU | Restore the FPU control word after every JNI call (expensive) | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
40 | AlwaysTenure | Always tenure objects in eden (ParallelGC only) | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
41 | AnonymousClasses | support sun.misc.Unsafe.defineAnonymousClass (deprecated) | bool | o | x | x | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | ||
42 | ArrayAllocatorMallocLimit | Allocation less than this value will be allocated using malloc. Larger allocations will use mmap. | uintx | x | o | o | SOLARIS_ONLY(64*K) NOT_SOLARIS(max_uintx) | SOLARIS_ONLY(64*K) NOT_SOLARIS(max_uintx) | experimental | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | |
43 | ArraycopyDstPrefetchDistance | Distance to prefetch destination array in arracopy | uintx | o | o | o | 0 | 0 | 0 | product | cpu/sparc/vm/globals_sparc.hpp |
44 | ArraycopySrcPrefetchDistance | Distance to prefetch source array in arracopy | uintx | o | o | o | 0 | 0 | 0 | product | cpu/sparc/vm/globals_sparc.hpp |
45 | AssertOnSuspendWaitFailure | Assert/Guarantee on external suspend wait failure | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
46 | AssertRangeCheckElimination | Assert Range Check Elimination | bool | x | x | o | FAUX | develop | share/vm/c1/c1_globals.hpp | ||
47 | AssertRepeat | number of times to evaluate expression in assert (to estimate overhead); only works with -DUSE_REPEATED_ASSERTS | intx | o | o | o | 1 | 1 | 1 | notproduct | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
48 | AssumeMP | Instruct the VM to assume multiple processors are available | bool | x | x | o | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | ||
49 | Atomics | (Unsafe,Unstable) Diagnostic - Controls emission of atomics | intx | o | o | x | 0 | 0 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | |
50 | AutoBoxCacheMax | Sets max value cached by the java.lang.Integer autobox cache | intx | o | o | o | 128 | 128 | 128 | product | share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp |
51 | AutoGCSelectPauseMillis | Automatic GC selection pause threshold in milliseconds | uintx | o | o | o | 5000 | 5000 | 5000 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
52 | AutoShutdownNMT | Automatically shutdown native memory tracking under stress situations. When set to false, native memory tracking tries to stay alive at the expense of JVM performance | bool | x | o | o | VRAI | VRAI | diagnostic | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | |
53 | BCEATraceLevel | How much tracing to do of bytecode escape analysis estimates | intx | o | o | o | 0 | 0 | 0 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
54 | BackEdgeThreshold | Interpreter Back edge threshold at which an OSR compilation is invoked | intx | o | o | o | product_pd | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | |||
55 | BackgroundCompilation | A thread requesting compilation is not blocked during compilation | bool | o | o | o | product_pd | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | |||
56 | BailoutAfterHIR | bailout of compilation after building of HIR | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | develop | share/vm/c1/c1_globals.hpp |
57 | BailoutAfterLIR | bailout of compilation after building of LIR | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | develop | share/vm/c1/c1_globals.hpp |
58 | BailoutOnExceptionHandlers | bailout of compilation for methods with exception handlers | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | develop | share/vm/c1/c1_globals.hpp |
59 | BailoutToInterpreterForThrows | Compiled methods which throws/catches exceptions will be deopt and intp. | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | develop | share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp |
60 | BaseFootPrintEstimate | Estimate of footprint other than Java Heap | uintx | o | o | o | 256*M | 256*M | 256*M | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
61 | BciProfileWidth | Number of return bci's to record in ret profile | intx | o | o | o | 2 | 2 | 2 | develop | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
62 | BiasedLockingBulkRebiasThreshold | Threshold of number of revocations per type to try to rebias all objects in the heap of that type | intx | o | o | o | 20 | 20 | 20 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
63 | BiasedLockingBulkRevokeThreshold | Threshold of number of revocations per type to permanently revoke biases of all objects in the heap of that type | intx | o | o | o | 40 | 40 | 40 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
64 | BiasedLockingDecayTime | Decay time (in milliseconds) to re-enable bulk rebiasing of a type after previous bulk rebias | intx | o | o | o | 25000 | 25000 | 25000 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
65 | BiasedLockingStartupDelay | Number of milliseconds to wait before enabling biased locking | intx | o | o | o | 4000 | 4000 | 4000 | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
66 | BinarySwitchThreshold | Minimal number of lookupswitch entries for rewriting to binary switch | intx | o | o | o | 5 | 5 | 5 | develop | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
67 | BindCMSThreadToCPU | Bind CMS Thread to CPU if possible | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | diagnostic | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
68 | BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs | Bind GCTaskThreads to CPUs if possible | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
69 | BlockCopyLowLimit | Minimum size in bytes when block copy will be used | intx | o | o | o | 2048 | 2048 | 2048 | product | cpu/sparc/vm/globals_sparc.hpp |
70 | BlockLayoutByFrequency | Use edge frequencies to drive block ordering | bool | o | o | o | VRAI | VRAI | VRAI | product | share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp |
71 | BlockLayoutMinDiamondPercentage | Miniumum %% of a successor (predecessor) for which block layout a will allow a fork (join) in a single chain | intx | o | o | o | 20 | 20 | 20 | product | share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp |
72 | BlockLayoutRotateLoops | Allow back branches to be fall throughs in the block layour | bool | o | o | o | VRAI | VRAI | VRAI | product | share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp |
73 | BlockOffsetArrayUseUnallocatedBlock | Maintain _unallocated_block in BlockOffsetArray (currently applicable only to CMS collector) | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | diagnostic | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
74 | BlockZeroingLowLimit | Minimum size in bytes when block zeroing will be used | intx | o | o | o | 2048 | 2048 | 2048 | product | cpu/sparc/vm/globals_sparc.hpp |
75 | BranchOnRegister | Use Sparc V9 branch-on-register opcodes | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp |
76 | BreakAtNode | Break at construction of this Node (either _idx or _debug_idx) | intx | o | o | o | 0 | 0 | 0 | notproduct | share/vm/opto/c2_globals.hpp |
77 | BreakAtWarning | Execute breakpoint upon encountering VM warning | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | develop | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
78 | BytecodeVerificationLocal | Enable the Java bytecode verifier for local classes | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
79 | BytecodeVerificationRemote | Enable the Java bytecode verifier for remote classes | bool | o | o | o | VRAI | VRAI | VRAI | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
80 | C1Breakpoint | Sets a breakpoint at entry of each compiled method | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | develop | share/vm/c1/c1_globals.hpp |
81 | C1OptimizeVirtualCallProfiling | Use CHA and exact type results at call sites when updating MDOs | bool | o | o | o | VRAI | VRAI | VRAI | product | share/vm/c1/c1_globals.hpp |
82 | C1PatchInvokeDynamic | Patch invokedynamic appendix not known at compile time | bool | x | x | o | VRAI | diagnostic | share/vm/c1/c1_globals.hpp | ||
83 | C1ProfileBranches | Profile branches when generating code for updating MDOs | bool | o | o | o | VRAI | VRAI | VRAI | product | share/vm/c1/c1_globals.hpp |
84 | C1ProfileCalls | Profile calls when generating code for updating MDOs | bool | o | o | o | VRAI | VRAI | VRAI | product | share/vm/c1/c1_globals.hpp |
85 | C1ProfileCheckcasts | Profile checkcasts when generating code for updating MDOs | bool | o | o | o | VRAI | VRAI | VRAI | product | share/vm/c1/c1_globals.hpp |
86 | C1ProfileInlinedCalls | Profile inlined calls when generating code for updating MDOs | bool | o | o | o | VRAI | VRAI | VRAI | product | share/vm/c1/c1_globals.hpp |
87 | C1ProfileVirtualCalls | Profile virtual calls when generating code for updating MDOs | bool | o | o | o | VRAI | VRAI | VRAI | product | share/vm/c1/c1_globals.hpp |
88 | C1UpdateMethodData | Update MethodData*s in Tier1-generated code | bool | o | o | o | trueInTiered | trueInTiered | trueInTiered | product | share/vm/c1/c1_globals.hpp |
89 | CIBreakAt | The id of compilation to break at | intx | o | o | o | -1 | -1 | -1 | develop | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
90 | CIBreakAtOSR | The id of osr compilation to break at | intx | o | o | o | -1 | -1 | -1 | develop | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
91 | CICloneLoopTestLimit | size limit for blocks heuristically cloned in ciTypeFlow | intx | o | x | x | 100 | develop | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | ||
92 | CICompileNatives | compile native methods if supported by the compiler | bool | o | o | o | VRAI | VRAI | VRAI | develop | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
93 | CICompileOSR | compile on stack replacement methods if supported by the compiler | bool | o | o | o | develop_pd | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | |||
94 | CICompilerCount | Number of compiler threads to run | intx | o | o | o | CI_COMPILER_COUNT | CI_COMPILER_COUNT | CI_COMPILER_COUNT | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
95 | CICompilerCountPerCPU | 1 compiler thread for log(N CPUs) | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | product | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
96 | CICountOSR | use a separate counter when assigning ids to osr compilations | bool | o | o | o | VRAI | FAUX | FAUX | develop | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
97 | CICrashAt | id of compilation to trigger assert in compiler thread for the purpose of testing, e.g. generation of replay data | intx | x | x | o | -1 | notproduct | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | ||
98 | CIFireOOMAt | Fire OutOfMemoryErrors throughout CI for testing the compiler (non-negative value throws OOM after this many CI accesses in each compile) | intx | o | o | o | -1 | -1 | -1 | develop | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |
99 | CIFireOOMAtDelay | Wait for this many CI accesses to occur in all compiles before beginning to throw OutOfMemoryErrors in each compile | intx | o | x | x | -1 | develop | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp | ||
100 | CIObjectFactoryVerify | enable potentially expensive verification in ciObjectFactory | bool | o | o | o | FAUX | FAUX | FAUX | notproduct | share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp |