Special Issue on the Future of Middleware (FOME'11)
- SI: FOME - The Future of Middleware
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Applying evolutionary computation to mitigate uncertainty in dynamically-adaptive, high-assurance middleware
Journal of Internet Services and Applications volume 3, pages 51–58 (2012)
In this paper, we explore the integration of evolutionary computation into the development and run-time support of dynamically-adaptable, high-assurance middleware. The open-ended nature of the evolutionary process has been shown to discover novel solutions to complex engineering problems. In the case of high-assurance adaptive software, however, this search capability must be coupled with rigorous development tools and run-time support to ensure that the resulting systems behave in accordance with requirements. Early investigations are reviewed, and several challenging problems and possible research directions are discussed.
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McKinley, P.K., Cheng, B.H.C., Ramirez, A.J. et al. Applying evolutionary computation to mitigate uncertainty in dynamically-adaptive, high-assurance middleware. J Internet Serv Appl 3, 51–58 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13174-011-0049-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13174-011-0049-4