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Beating Treewidth for Average-Case Subgraph Isomorphism

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Algorithmica Aims and scope Submit manuscript


For any fixed graph G, the subgraph isomorphism problem asks whether an n-vertex input graph has a subgraph isomorphic to G. A well-known algorithm of Alon et al. (J ACM 42(4):844–856, 1995. efficiently reduces this to the “colored” version of the problem, denoted \(G{\text{-}}{\mathsf {SUB}}\), and then solves \(G{\text{-}}{\mathsf {SUB}}\) in time \(O(n^{{\textit{tw}}(G)+1})\) where \({\textit{tw}}(G)\) is the treewidth of G. Marx (Theory Comput 6(1):85–112, 2010. conjectured that \(G{\text{-}}{\mathsf {SUB}}\) requires time \(\varOmega (n^{{{\mathrm {const}}}\cdot {\textit{tw}}(G)})\) and, assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis, proved a lower bound of \(\varOmega (n^{{{\mathrm {const}}}\cdot {\textit{emb}}(G)})\) for a certain graph parameter \({\textit{emb}}(G) \ge \varOmega ({\textit{tw}}(G)/\log {\textit{tw}}(G))\). With respect to the size of \({{\mathrm {AC}}}^0\) circuits solving \(G{\text{-}}{\mathsf {SUB}}\) in the average case, Li et al. (SIAM J Comput 46(3):936–971, 2017. proved (unconditional) upper and lower bounds of \(O(n^{2\kappa (G)+{{\mathrm {const}}}})\) and \(\varOmega (n^{\kappa (G)})\) for a different graph parameter \(\kappa (G) \ge \varOmega ({\textit{tw}}(G)/\log {\textit{tw}}(G))\). Our contributions are as follows. First, we prove that \({\textit{emb}}(G)\) is \(O(\kappa (G))\) for all graphs G. Next, we show that \(\kappa (G)\) can be asymptotically less than \({\textit{tw}}(G)\); for example, if G is a hypercube then \(\kappa (G)\) is \(\varTheta \left( {\textit{tw}}(G)\big /\sqrt{\log {\textit{tw}}(G)}\right) \). This implies that the average-case complexity of \(G{\text{-}}{\mathsf {SUB}}\) is \(n^{o({\textit{tw}}(G))}\) when G is a hypercube. Finally, we construct \({{\mathrm {AC}}}^0\) circuits of size \(O(n^{\kappa (G)+{{\mathrm {const}}}})\) that solve \(G{\text{-}}{\mathsf {SUB}}\) in the average case, closing the gap between the upper and lower bounds of Li et al.

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  1. In [17], the parameter \(\kappa (G)\) was called \(\kappa _{{\mathrm {col}}}(G)\).

  2. Specifically, Corollary 4.2, Theorems 4.9, and 5.1 of [17] correspond to Theorems 3.8(i) to 3.8(iii) respectively.

  3. It is also necessary to add each edge \(e_j\) individually to the union sequence, but clearly \(\varDelta (e_j) \le 2 \le 2(2-2/d) = 2\varDelta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(G(1)) \le 2\mu \) if \(d\ge 2\), and if \(d=1\) then the lemma holds trivially.

  4. Recall from Definition 3.1 that \(\beta (A,B) :=\sum _{u\in V(A), v \in V(B)} \beta (uv)\).

  5. Compared to the tree decomposition from [7], this one is a simpler variant whose width is larger by up to a constant factor.

  6. Recall that \((\pi ^j)_{l_j}\) is a \(\pi ^j\)-colored vertex in X.

  7. For \(v(H\cap H^\prime ) \le k < v(H)\) apply Lemma 4 with \(L=H, R = H^\prime , A = H[\pi ^1, \dotsc , \pi ^k], B = H[\pi ^1, \dotsc , \pi ^{k+1}], C = A \cap B\), and for \(v(H\cap H^\prime ) \le k < v(H^\prime )\) apply Lemma 4 with \(L = H^\prime , R = H, A = H^\prime [\pi ^{\prime 1}, \dotsc , \pi ^{\prime k}], B = H^\prime [\pi ^{\prime 1}, \dotsc , \pi ^{\prime k+1}], C = H\).


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Thanks to Benjamin Rossman for introducing me to this topic, and for having many helpful discussions about the research and about drafts of this paper. Thanks to Henry Yuen and the anonymous reviewers for their feedback as well. Part of this work was done while the author was visiting the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing.

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Correspondence to Gregory Rosenthal.

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Benjamin Rossman, one of the coauthors of Li et. al. [17], has been the author’s MSc and PhD supervisor throughout the writing of this paper. The author has also received funding from Dr. Rossman, including for the purpose of presenting this paper at IPEC 2019.

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Supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (PGS D).


Appendix 1: Equivalence of Threshold Weightings and Markov Chains

Theorem 1

For any threshold weighting \((\alpha ,\beta )\in \theta (G)\) there exists a function \(M:V(G)\times V(G)\rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}_{\ge 0}\) such that

  1. 1.

    \(M(u,u)=0\) for all u,

  2. 2.

    \(M(u,v)+M(v,u) = \beta (uv)\) for all \(u\ne v\), and

  3. 3.

    \(\sum _{v\in V(G)} M(u,v) = \alpha (u)\) for all u.


Let \(\varDelta = (\alpha ,\beta )\). The proof is by induction on v(G). If G is a single vertex u then \(\theta (G)\) consists only of \(\alpha =0\), so setting \(M(u,u) = 0\) satisfies the requirements. Now assume \(v(G) > 1\). For \(A, B \subseteq G\) let \(M(A, B) = \sum _{u \in V(A), v \in V(B)} M(u, v)\) (once M(uv) is specified). Assume without loss of generality that G is a clique, since we can assign \(\beta =0\) on nonexistent edges.

Let \(H = {\mathrm {argmin}}_{F\subset G, 0< v(F) < v(G)}\varDelta (F)\), where ties are broken arbitrarily subject to H being an induced subgraph of G. Since \(\varDelta (G)=0\),

$$\begin{aligned} \beta (H,G-H) = \varDelta (G) + \beta (H,G-H) = \varDelta (H) + \varDelta (G-H) \ge \varDelta (H), \end{aligned}$$

so for \(u\in V(H), v\in V(G-H)\) we can define \(M(u,v)\in [0,\beta (uv)]\) such that \(M(H,G-H)=\varDelta (H)\). For \(u\in V(H)\) let \(\alpha _H(u) = \alpha (u) - M(u,G-H)\), and let \(\varDelta _H\) be the restriction of \(\alpha _H - \beta \) to subgraphs of H. For any \(\emptyset \subset F\subseteq H\),

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta _H(F) = \varDelta (F) - M(F,G-H) \ge \varDelta (F) - M(H,G-H) \ge \varDelta (H) - M(H,G-H) = 0, \end{aligned}$$

with equality if \(F=H\). Therefore \(\varDelta _H\) is a threshold weighting on H. Recursively define a restriction of M to \(V(H)\times V(H)\) such that this restriction is a Markov Chain on H that is equivalent to \(\varDelta _H\).

For \(u \in V(G-H), v \in V(H)\) let \(M(u,v) = \beta (uv) - M(v,u)\). For \(u \in V(G-H)\) let \(\alpha _{G-H}(u) = \alpha (u) - M(u,H)\), and let \(\varDelta _{G-H}\) be the restriction of \(\alpha _{G-H} - \beta \) to subgraphs of \(G-H\). Then,

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta _{G-H}(G-H)&= \varDelta (G-H) - M(G-H, H) = \varDelta (G-H) - \beta (G-H, H) + M(H, G-H) \\&= \varDelta (G-H) - \beta (G-H, H) + \varDelta (H) = \varDelta (G) = 0. \end{aligned}$$

For any \(\emptyset \subset F\subset G-H\), if \(v(F) < v(G-H)\) then

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta _{G-H}(F) = \varDelta (F)-M(F,H) \ge \varDelta (F)-\beta (F,H) \ge \varDelta (G[V(H), V(F)])-\varDelta (H) \ge 0, \end{aligned}$$

and if \(v(F) = v(G-H)\) then \(\varDelta _{G-H}(F) \ge \varDelta _{G-H}(G-H) = 0\). Therefore \(\varDelta _{G-H}\) is a threshold weighting on \(G-H\). Recursively define a restriction of M to \(V(G-H)\times V(G-H)\) such that this restriction is a Markov Chain on \(G-H\) that is equivalent to \(\varDelta _{G-H}\).

We now verify that \(M(u,G) = \alpha (u)\) for all u; the other requirements follow easily by induction. If \(u \in V(H)\) then \(M(u,H) = \alpha _H(u)\) by induction, and \(M(u,G-H) = \alpha (u) - \alpha _H(u)\) by the definition of \(\alpha _H\). Similarly, if \(u \in V(G-H)\) then \(M(u,G-H) = \alpha _{G-H}(u)\) and \(M(u,H) = \alpha (u) - \alpha _{G-H}(u)\). Therefore \(M(u,G) = M(u,H) + M(u,G-H) = \alpha (u)\) for all u. □

Appendix 2: Proof that \(\kappa \left( K_{q}^{d}\right) \) is \(O(q^d/d)\) for all q

The proof below is self-contained; however in places with clear analogues in Sect. 5.2 we will give less detailed explanations of the intermediate steps and intuition.

Fix q and d. Let a query tree be a binary tree in which each node is labeled with some \(U_1 \times \cdots \times U_d\) where each \(U_i \subseteq [q]\). The root is labeled with \([q]^d\), each leaf is labeled with a singleton set, and for any interior node N labeled with \(U_1 \times \cdots \times U_d\) there exist \(i \in [d]\) and \(k \in U_i\) such that the left and right children of N are labeled with \(U_1 \times \cdots \times U_{i-1} \times (U_i - k) \times U_{i+1} \times \cdots \times U_d\) and \(U_1 \times \cdots \times U_{i-1} \times \{k\} \times U_{i+1} \times \cdots \times U_d\) respectively. (In the latter case, \(U_i\) necessarily has at least two elements.)

With respect to an implicit query tree T, let \(\ell _0, \dotsc , \ell _{q^d-1}\) be the leaves in increasing order from left to right, and for \(0 \le a \le q^d\) let \(G(a) = K_{q}^{d}[\ell _0, \dotsc , \ell _{a-1}]\). Let \(\mu _T = \max _a \varDelta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(G(a))\) and let \(\mu \) be the maximum of \(\mu _T\) over all query trees T. For a threshold weighting \(\varDelta \in \theta \left( K_{q}^{d}\right) \) and \(H \subseteq K_{q}^{d}\) let \(\kappa _\varDelta (H) = \min _{S\in {{\mathrm {Seq}}}(H)}\max _{F\in S}\varDelta (F)\), and if H is a single-vertex graph or the empty graph then let \(\kappa _\varDelta (H)=0\). By Theorem 3.8(i) it suffices to prove that \(\kappa _\varDelta \left( K_{q}^{d}\right) \) is \(O(q^d/d)\) for all threshold weightings \(\varDelta = (1,\beta )\).

Lemma 2

Fix a query tree T. Let \(0 \le a < b \le q^d\) such that \(\ell _a, \dotsc , \ell _{b-1}\) are exactly the leaves descended from some node of T. Let \(\varDelta = (1,\beta ) \in \theta \left( K_{q}^{d}\right) \) such that \(\beta (G(a)) \ge \beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(G(a))\) and \(\beta (G(b)) \ge \beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(G(b))\), and \(\kappa _\varDelta (G(a)) \le 2\mu \). Then \(\kappa _\varDelta (G(b)) \le 2\mu \).


Let N be the node of T such that the leaves descended from N are exactly \(\ell _a, \dotsc , \ell _{b-1}\). Let \(U_1 \times \cdots \times U_d\) be the label of N. Let \(B = G(b) - G(a) = K_{q}^{d}[U_1 \times \cdots \times U_d] = K_{q}^{d}[\ell _a, \dotsc , \ell _{b-1}]\).

The proof is by induction on \(\sum _i (|U_i|-1)\), for all query trees T. (It follows from the definitions that \(|U_i|\ge 1\), with equality for all i if and only if N is a leaf.) In the inductive step we handle separately the cases where \(\beta (B) \ge \beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(B)\) and \(\beta (B) < \beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(B)\). The base case is a special case of the former because if B is a single vertex then \(\beta (B)\) and \(\beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(B)\) are both zero.

Case 1 \(\beta (B) \ge \beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(B)\). If B is a single vertex then \(\kappa _\varDelta (B) = 0 \le 2\mu \); we now obtain the same result in the case where B is not a single vertex. Let \({\mathscr {I}} = \{i\in [d] \mid |U_i|\ge 2\}\), and note that \({\mathscr {I}}\) is nonempty. For \(i \in {\mathscr {I}}\) and \(k \in U_i\) let \(B(i,k) = B[v \in V(B) \mid v_i \ne k]\). Choose a pair \(({\mathbf {i}}, {\mathbf {k}})\) uniformly at random out of all pairs (ik) such that \(i \in {\mathscr {I}}\) and \(k \in U_i\). Each edge in B is also in \(B({\mathbf {i}}, {\mathbf {k}})\) with the same probability \(p = 1 - (|\mathscr {I}|+1)/\sum _{i\in {\mathscr {I}}}|U_i|\) (since adjacent vertices differ in a unique coordinate), so by linearity of expectation,

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {E}}[\beta (B({\mathbf {i}}, {\mathbf {k}}))] = p \beta (B) \ge p \beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(B) = {\mathbb {E}}[\beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(B({\mathbf {i}}, {\mathbf {k}}))]. \end{aligned}$$

Therefore \(\beta (B(i,k)) \ge \beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(B(i,k))\) for some fixed i and k.

Now our claim that \(\kappa _\varDelta (B) \le 2\mu \) follows from two applications of the inductive hypothesis. Let \(T^\prime \) be any query tree in which the sequence of labels along the path from the root to the leftmost leaf includes \(U_1 \times \cdots \times U_d\) followed by \(U_1 \times \cdots \times (U_i - k) \times \cdots \times U_d\). With respect to \(T^\prime \), an application of the inductive hypothesis with \(a^\prime = 0\) and \(b^\prime = (1-1/|U_i|) \prod _j |U_j|\) reveals that \(\kappa _\varDelta (B(i,k)) \le 2\mu \), and then an application of the inductive hypothesis with \(a^{\prime \prime } = (1-1/|U_i|) \prod _j |U_j|\) and \(b^{\prime \prime } = \prod _j |U_j|\) (\(= b-a\)) reveals that \(\kappa _\varDelta (B) \le 2\mu \).

The rest of the proof is essentially identical to the case \(q = 2\). Let S be an optimal (with respect to \(\varDelta \)) union sequence for G(a), followed by an optimal union sequence for B, followed by \(G(a) \cup B, G(a)\cup B\cup e_1, \dotsc , G(a)\cup B\cup \{e_j\}\), where the \(\{e_j\}\) are the edges between G(a) and B in \(K_{q}^{d}\). (If G(a) or B lacks edges then omit certain graphs from this sequence.) Then,

$$\begin{aligned} \max _{H\in S}\varDelta (H) \le \max (\kappa _\varDelta (G(a)), \kappa _\varDelta (B), \varDelta (G(a))+\varDelta (B)). \end{aligned}$$

We proceed to bound each of these three terms by \(2\mu \), completing the proof. We have assumed that \(\kappa _\varDelta (G(a)) \le 2\mu \), and proved that \(\kappa _\varDelta (B) \le 2\mu \). We have also assumed that \(\beta (G(a)) \ge \beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(G(a))\), and since \(\varDelta \) and \(\varDelta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}\) both evaluate to 1 on all vertices, it follows that \(\varDelta (G(a)) \le \varDelta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(G(a)) \le \mu \) (with the last step following from the definition of \(\mu \)). Similarly, \(\varDelta (B) \le \varDelta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(B) \le \mu \), and it follows that \(\varDelta (G(a)) + \varDelta (B) \le 2\mu \).

Case 2 \(\beta (B) < \beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(B)\). For \(i \in {\mathscr {I}}\) and \(k \in U_i\) let \(H(i,k) = K_{q}^{d}[\ell _0, \dotsc , \ell _{a-1}, V(B(i,k))]\) (where \({\mathscr {I}}\) and B(ik) are defined as above). Choose a pair \(({\mathbf {i}}, {\mathbf {k}})\) uniformly at random out of all pairs (ik) such that \(i \in {\mathscr {I}}\) and \(k \in U_i\). Then there exist \(p_0> p_1 > p_2 \ge 0\) (specifically, \(p_0 = 1\), \(p_1 = 1-|{\mathscr {I}}|/\sum _{i\in {\mathscr {I}}}|U_i|\), and \(p_2 = 1 - (|{\mathscr {I}}|+1)/\sum _{i\in {\mathscr {I}}}|U_i|\)) such that

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbb {E}}[\beta (H({\mathbf {i}},{\mathbf {k}}))]&= p_0\beta (G(a)) + p_1\beta (G(a),B) + p_2\beta (B) \\&= (p_0-p_1)\beta (G(a)) + p_1\beta (G(b)) + (p_2-p_1)\beta (B) \\&> (p_0-p_1)\beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(G(a)) + p_1\beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(G(b)) + (p_2-p_1)\beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(B) \\&= {\mathbb {E}}[\beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(H({\mathbf {i}},{\mathbf {k}}))]. \end{aligned}$$

Therefore \(\beta (H(i,k)) > \beta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(H(i,k))\) for some fixed i and k.

Preparing to apply the inductive hypothesis, let \(T^{\prime \prime }\) be any query tree structured and labeled exactly like T on all ancestors of \(\ell _j\) for all \(j<a\), and on all ancestors of N, but now the left child of N is labeled with \(U_1 \times \cdots \times (U_i - k) \times \cdots \times U_d\). With respect to \(T^{\prime \prime }\), an application of the inductive hypothesis with \(a^\prime = a\) and \(b^\prime = a + (1-1/|U_i|) \prod _j |U_j|\) reveals that \(\kappa _\varDelta (G(a + (1-1/|U_i|) \prod _j |U_j|)) \le 2\mu \), and a second application of the inductive hypothesis with \(a^{\prime \prime } = a + (1-1/|U_i|) \prod _j |U_j|\) and \(b^{\prime \prime } = b\) (\(= a + \prod _j|U_j|\)) reveals that \(\kappa _\varDelta (G(b)) \le 2\mu \). □

Lemma 3

\(\mu \) is \(O(q^d/d)\).


We use a cruder bound here than in the case \(q=2\). Let T be an arbitrary query tree and \(a \in [q^d]\). Let \(N_0\) be the nearest common ancestor of \(\ell _0\) and \(\ell _{a-1}\). If \(N_0\) is a leaf then clearly \(\varDelta _{{{\mathrm {o}}}}(G(a))\) is \(O(q^d/d)\), so assume otherwise. Let \(N_L\) and \(N_R\) be the left and right children of \(N_0\), and note that \(\ell _{a-1}\) is a descendant of \(N_R\). By Eq. (1), since \(K_{q}^{d}\) is \((q-1)d\)-regular it suffices to prove that \(e(G(a), K_{q}^{d} - G(a))\) is \(O(q^{d+1})\). Suppose \(N_0\) is labeled with \(U_1 \times \cdots \times U_d\) and \(N_L\) is labeled with \(U_1 \times \cdots \times (U_i - k) \times \cdots \times U_d\). Since each vertex in G(a) is a descendant of \(N_0\), all edges between G(a) and \(K_{q}^{d} - G(a)\) are in one of the following classes:

  1. 1.

    Edges (in \(K_{q}^{d}\)) between a leaf descended from \(N_0\) and a leaf not descended from \(N_0\). Each leaf descended from \(N_0\) is adjacent to \(\sum _{j=1}^d (q-|U_j|)\) leaves not descended from \(N_0\), so this amounts to \((dq - \sum _j |U_j|) \prod _j |U_j|\) edges in total. By the AM-GM inequality, this is at most

    $$\begin{aligned} \left( \frac{(dq-\sum _j |U_j|) + \sum _j |U_j|}{d+1}\right) ^{d+1} = \left( \frac{dq}{d+1}\right) ^{d+1} = q^{d+1}\left( 1 - \frac{1}{d+1}\right) ^{d+1} < q^{d+1}/e. \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.

    Edges (in \(K_{q}^{d}\)) between a leaf descended from \(N_L\) and a leaf descended from \(N_R\). Each leaf descended from \(N_L\) is adjacent to one leaf descended from \(N_R\), so this amounts to at most \(\prod _j |U_j| \le q^d\) edges in total.

  3. 3.

    Edges (in \(K_{q}^{d}\)) between a leaf descended from \(N_R\) that’s in G(a), and a leaf descended from \(N_R\) that’s in \(K_{q}^{d} - G(a)\). This is at most what the value of \(\mu \) would be if d were \(d-1\) instead. (Eliminate coordinate i, and replace \(U_j\) with [q] for all \(j\ne i\).)

The total number of edges in all classes is therefore \(O(q^{d+1} + q^d + \cdots ) = O(q^{d+1})\). □

Finally, it follows from Lemmas 2 and 3 that \(\kappa \left( K_{q}^{d}\right) \le 2\mu \le O(q^d/d)\).


The above argument holds even if we relax the definition of threshold weightings to allow \(\varDelta \) to take on negative values (where all definitions in terms of threshold weightings are with respect to this revised definition).

Appendix 3: Properties of Threshold Weightings and Threshold Random Graphs

Lemma 4

If \(A \subseteq U \subseteq G\) are fixed graphs, \(\varDelta \in \theta (G)\), and \(\varDelta (A) < \varDelta (H)\) for all \(H \in (A, U]\), then conditional on \({\mathscr {A}} \in {{\mathrm {Sub}}}_{{\mathbf {X}}_{\varDelta , n}}(A)\), there are at least \(n^{\varDelta (U) - \varDelta (A)}(1-o(1))\) U-extensions of \({\mathscr {A}}\) a.a.s.

Li et al. [17] stated without proof that a similar result can be obtained using Janson’s Inequality [16]:

Fact 5

(Janson’s inequality) Let \({\mathbf {B}}_1, \ldots , {\mathbf {B}}_{\ell }\) be independent Bernoulli random variables, let \(W_1, \ldots , W_k \subseteq [\ell ]\), and for \(i\in [k]\) let \({\mathbf {I}}_i = \prod _{j\in W_i} {\mathbf {B}}_j\). Also for \(i,j\in [k], i\ne j\) let \(i\sim j\) if \(W_i \cap W_j \ne \emptyset \). Let \({\mathbf {S}} = \sum _i {\mathbf {I}}_i\) and \(\mu = {\mathbb {E}}[{\mathbf {S}}]\). Then for all \(0 \le \epsilon \le 1\),

$$\begin{aligned} P({\mathbf {S}} \le (1-\epsilon )\mu ) \le \exp \left( -\frac{\epsilon ^2}{2} \cdot \frac{\mu ^2}{\mu + \sum _{i \sim j}{\mathbb {E}}[{\mathbf {I}}_i\mathbf {I}_j]}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Proof of Lemma 2

Let \({\mathscr {U}}_1, \dotsc , {\mathscr {U}}_k\) be the possible U-extensions of \({\mathscr {A}}\), and let \({\mathbf {I}}_i = {\mathbb {1}}\!\{\mathscr {U}_i \subseteq {\mathbf {X}}\}\). Define \(\mu \) as in Fact 4; clearly \(\mu = n^{\varDelta (U) - \varDelta (A)}\), by reasoning similar to the proof of Lemma 3.5. If \(i \sim j\) then the projection of \({\mathscr {U}}_i \cap {\mathscr {U}}_j\) onto U must be some graph in (AU), so

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{i \sim j}{\mathbb {E}}[{\mathbf {I}}_i {\mathbf {I}}_j] \le \sum _{{H \in (A, U)}} \mu n^{\varDelta (U)-\varDelta (H)} = \mu ^2 \sum _{{H \in (A, U)}} n^{\varDelta (A)-\varDelta (H)} = o(\mu ^2). \end{aligned}$$

Since \(\mu \) is also \(o(\mu ^2)\), it follows that \(\mu ^2\big /\left( \mu + \sum _{i \sim j}{\mathbb {E}}[{\mathbf {I}}_i{\mathbf {I}}_j]\right) \ge \mu ^2/o(\mu ^2) = \omega (1)\), and the result follows from Fact 4. □

Lemma 6

For all \(A\subseteq B\subseteq F\subseteq H\subseteq G\) and \(\varDelta \in \theta (G)\),

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta ^*_H(B)-\varDelta ^*_H(A) \le \varDelta ^*_F(B)-\varDelta ^*_F(A). \end{aligned}$$


Since \(B \subseteq \varGamma _F(B) \subseteq \varGamma _H(A) \cup \varGamma _F(B)\) it follows that \(\varDelta ^*_H(B) \le \varDelta (\varGamma _H(A)\cup \varGamma _F(B))\), and since \(A \subseteq \varGamma _H(A)\) and \(A\subseteq B\subseteq \varGamma _F(B)\) it follows that \(\varDelta ^*_F(A) \le \varDelta (\varGamma _H(A)\cap \varGamma _F(B))\). So by Lemmas 6.5 and 6.7,

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta ^*_H(B) + \varDelta ^*_F(A)&\le \varDelta (\varGamma _H(A) \cup \varGamma _F(B)) + \varDelta (\varGamma _H(A) \cap \varGamma _F(B)) \\&= \varDelta (\varGamma _H(A)) + \varDelta (\varGamma _F(B)) \\&= \varDelta ^*_H(A) + \varDelta ^*_F(B). \end{aligned}$$

Lemma 7

Let \(\varDelta \in \theta (G)\) and assume \(L \cap R \subseteq A \subseteq B \subseteq L \subseteq G\) and \(L\cap R \subseteq C \subseteq R \subseteq G\). Then, \(\varDelta ^*_{L\cup R}(B\cup C)-\varDelta ^*_{L\cup R}(A\cup C) = \varDelta ^*_L(B)-\varDelta ^*_L(A)\).


For all \(F\in [A,L]\) and \(H\in [C,R]\),

$$\begin{aligned} F\cap H&\subseteq L\cap R&(F\subseteq L{\text { and }}H\subseteq R)\\&\subseteq A\cap C&{\text {(by assumption)}}\\&\subseteq F\cap H,&(A\subseteq F{\text { and }}C\subseteq H) \end{aligned}$$

so by Lemma 6.5,

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta ^*_{L\cup R}(A\cup C)&= \min _{{\begin{array}{c} A\subseteq F\subseteq L \\ C\subseteq H\subseteq R \end{array}}}\varDelta (F\cup H) = \min _{{\begin{array}{c} A\subseteq F\subseteq L \\ C\subseteq H\subseteq R \end{array}}}(\varDelta (F)+\varDelta (H)-\varDelta (F\cap H)) \\&= \min _{{A\subseteq F\subseteq L}}\varDelta (F) + \min _{{C\subseteq H\subseteq R}}\varDelta (H)-\varDelta (L\cap R) = \varDelta ^*_L(A) + \varDelta ^*_R(C)-\varDelta (L\cap R). \end{aligned}$$

The same reasoning applies with B in place of A, so

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta ^*_{L\cup R}(A\cup C) - \varDelta ^*_L(A) = \varDelta ^*_R(C) - \varDelta (L\cap R) = \varDelta ^*_{L\cup R}(B\cup C) - \varDelta ^*_L(B). \end{aligned}$$

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Rosenthal, G. Beating Treewidth for Average-Case Subgraph Isomorphism. Algorithmica 83, 2521–2551 (2021).

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