We use queueing networks to present a new approach to solving Laplacian systems. This marks a significant departure from the existing techniques, mostly based on graph-theoretic constructions and sampling. Our distributed solver works for a large and important class of Laplacian systems that we call “one-sink” Laplacian systems. Specifically, our solver can produce solutions for systems of the form \(L\varvec{x} = \varvec{b}\) where exactly one of the coordinates of \(\varvec{b}\) is negative. Our solver is a distributed algorithm that takes \({\widetilde{O}}(t_{\text{ hit }}\hat{d}_{\max })\) time (where \({\widetilde{O}}\) hides \({\text {poly}}\log n\) factors) to produce an approximate solution where \(t_{\text{ hit }}\) is the worst-case hitting time of the random walk on the graph, which is \(\Theta (n)\) for a large set of important graphs, and \(\hat{d}_{\max }\) is the maximum degree of the graph. The class of one-sink Laplacians includes the important voltage computation problem and allows us to compute the effective resistance between nodes in a distributed setting. As a result, our Laplacian solver can be used to adapt the approach by Kelner and Mądry (2009) to give the first distributed algorithm to compute approximate random spanning trees efficiently.
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Gillani, I.A., Bagchi, A. A Queueing Network-Based Distributed Laplacian Solver. Algorithmica 83, 2859–2894 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00453-021-00845-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00453-021-00845-4