Oil and gas pipelines operate in a complex environment and one of the principal risks affecting safety (such as leaks, explosions and accidents) are weld defects. An urgent issue to be solved is how to efficiently and intelligently probe and evaluate pipe welds, as this affects national security, production, and accident prevention and control, with significant security implications and added economic value in ensuring national public safety. There is a strategic demand to consider public security when storing and shipping equipment, and so the intelligent evaluation algorithm is proposed. Algorithm step 1, theoretical research have been carried out in this paper tackling the difficult technologies involved and equipment manu-facture. The key issues and technological difficulties surrounding the numerical simulation of pipe weld defects have been investigated. Algorithm step 2, followed by the development and carrying out of experimental research on a continuous, non-contact mag-netic flux leakage system of pipe welds for defect recognition. Algorithm step 3, this study used the inversion method and software to quantify defects. Algorithm step 4, with an evaluation platform integrating the above research results. In this way, an intelligent evaluation algorithm for pipe weld structural integrity is formed, and it will provide a rapid response deci-sion for serviced pipeline maintenance by oil and petrochemical users.
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This work was sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51607035, 11502051) and Heilongjiang Postdoctoral Foundation (LBH-Z16040) and State Administration of Work Safety Science and Technology Project of Key Technologies for Preventing and Controlling Major Accidents in Safe Production (heilongjiang-0003-2017AQ) and Science and Technology Project of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association (2017-11-04) and Research start-up fund of Northeast Petroleum University (rc201732). All these are gratefully appreciated.
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Cui, W., Wang, K., Zhang, Q. et al. Intelligent evaluation algorithm for the structural integrity testing of pipe welds defects. Cluster Comput 22 (Suppl 4), 7953–7963 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-017-1543-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-017-1543-7