This paper proposes an optimization technique for spot-checking to minimize the computation time in volunteer computing (VC) systems with non-reliable participants. Credibility-based voting with spot-checking is a promising approach to the high-performance and reliable VC systems. In this approach, spot-check rate has a significant impact on the performance, which must be set before the computation. Therefore, the estimation of the optimal spot-check rate is the major concern to minimize the computation time. The key idea for the estimation is to represent the mathematical expectation of the computation time as a function of spot-check rate. Extensive simulation has shown that the proposed technique always obtains an approximate estimate of the optimal spot-check rate and minimizes the computation time with an uncertainty of 1%.
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Watanabe, K., Fukushi, M. & Horiguchi, S. Optimal Spot-checking for Computation Time Minimization in Volunteer Computing. J Grid Computing 7, 575 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-009-9125-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-009-9125-4