Learning Management Systems are web-based systems in which learners can interact with content/learning resources and assessments, as well as other learners and instructors. LMSs have been widely used especially since the beginning of the information age. In the context of this study, the aim was to determine the expectations and needs of the learners, who are considered to be one of the most important stakeholders of the LMSs. An open-ended questionnaire and a semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers were used as data collection tools. Content analysis was performed to analyze open-ended questions and interview data. According to the findings it was seen that learners want more entertaining and self-monitoring environments, especially with the elements of gamification. It was also seen that the learning environments have reporting and predictive capability on student achievement. Learners’ needs and expectations match with third-generation learning management systems. The third-generation learning management systems can be developed through educational data mining and learning analytics. Within the scope of this research, the learner expectations and needs were discussed in the context of the third generation learning management systems, intervention and types of intervention.
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Şahin, M., Yurdugül, H. Learners’ Needs in Online Learning Environments and Third Generation Learning Management Systems (LMS 3.0). Tech Know Learn 27, 33–48 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-020-09479-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-020-09479-x