A rezoning-type adaptive moving mesh discontinuous Galerkin method is proposed for the numerical solution of the shallow water equations with non-flat bottom topography. The well-balance property is crucial to the simulation of perturbation waves over the lake-at-rest steady state such as waves on a lake or tsunami waves in the deep ocean. To ensure the well-balance and positivity-preserving properties, strategies are discussed in the use of slope limiting, positivity-preservation limiting, and data transferring between meshes. Particularly, it is suggested that a DG-interpolation scheme be used for the interpolation of both the flow variables and bottom topography from the old mesh to the new one and after each application of the positivity-preservation limiting on the water depth, a high-order correction be made to the approximation of the bottom topography according to the modifications in the water depth. Mesh adaptivity is realized using a moving mesh partial differential equation and a metric tensor based on the equilibrium variable and water depth. A motivation for the latter is to adapt the mesh according to both the perturbations of the lake-at-rest steady state and the water depth distribution. Numerical examples in one and two spatial dimensions are presented to demonstrate the well-balance and positivity-preserving properties of the method and its ability to capture small perturbations of the lake-at-rest steady state. They also show that the mesh adaptation based on the equilibrium variable and water depth give more desirable results than that based on the commonly used entropy function.
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M. Zhang and J. Qiu were supported partly by National Natural Science Foundation (China) grant 12071392 and Science Challenge Project (China), No. TZ 2016002 . This work was carried out while M. Zhang was visiting the Department of Mathematics, the University of Kansas under the support by the China Scholarship Council (CSC: 201806310065).
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Zhang, M., Huang, W. & Qiu, J. A High-Order Well-Balanced Positivity-Preserving Moving Mesh DG Method for the Shallow Water Equations With Non-Flat Bottom Topography. J Sci Comput 87, 88 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-021-01490-3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-021-01490-3
- Well-balance
- DG-interpolation
- High-order
- Positivity preservation
- Moving mesh DG method
- Shallow water equations