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An efficient multi-scale contextual feature fusion network for counting crowds with varying densities and scales

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Multimedia Tools and Applications Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The crowd counting problem aims to predict the number of pedestrians in a surveillance video or an image and produce a crowd density map. Achieving accurate crowd counting in different crowded scenes is still challenging due to drastic scale changes and severe occlusions. This paper proposes an efficient multi-scale contextual feature fusion network for counting crowds with varying densities and scales, abbreviated as MSC-FFN. We design a spatial pyramid feature extraction module that enables rich contextual feature extraction to adapt to rapid scale changes. To further enhance the model’s ability to suppress background and focus on main features, we also design a spatial channel attention module to integrate feature map correlations from spatial and channel dimensions, so that the network can focus on main crowd features and filter out irrelevant background information, which outputs a high-quality density map. We conduct extensive experiments on multiple challenging crowds counting datasets, including UCF_CC_50, ShanghaiTech, WorldExpo’10, and Mall dataset, and the results demonstrate that MSC-FFN outperforms many state-of-the-art methods in counting performance and generated density maps.

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Fig. 1
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Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 11

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The labeled dataset used to support the findings of this study is available from the corresponding author upon request.


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This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.62067002, 61967006, and 62062033), and in part by the Science and Technology Project of the Transportation Department of Jiangxi Province, China (Nos.2021X0011, 2022X0040).

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Xiong, L., Yi, H., Huang, X. et al. An efficient multi-scale contextual feature fusion network for counting crowds with varying densities and scales. Multimed Tools Appl 82, 13929–13949 (2023).

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