Whether it is an NLP (natural language processing) task or an NLU (natural language understanding) task, many methods are model oriented, ignoring the importance of data features. Such models did not perform well for many tasks based on feature loose, unbalanced tricky data including text classification tasks. In this regard, this paper proposes a classification method called LSTM-SN (long-short term memory RNN fusion social network) based on extremely complex datasets. The approach condenses the characteristics of the dataset. LSTM combines with social network methods derived from specific datasets to complete the classification task, and then use complex network structure evolution methods to discover dynamic social attributes. The experimental results show that this method can overcome the shortcomings of traditional methods and achieve better classification results. Finally, a method to calculate the accuracy of fusion model is proposed. The research ideas of this paper have far-reaching significance in the domain of social data analysis and relation extraction.
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This job is Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province of China (2021JM-344) and the Key Research and Development Program of Shaanxi Province (No.2018ZDXM-GY-036) and Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Intelligent Processing for Big Energy Data (No.IPBED7) , This work is also supported by the independent research project of Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Network Computing and Security Technology (NCST2021YB-05).
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The contributions of the various authors in this manuscript are as follows: Wei Wei completed the design of the accuracy calculation model and the revision of the paper. Xiaowan Li completed the construction and implementation of the classification model and the accuracy calculation model, as well as the writing of the paper. Beibei Zhang designed the classification model architecture and analyzed the specific steps of data preprocessing and the structure of the thesis. Linfeng Li completed data filtering, labeling and preprocessing, and drawing of graphs in the article. Robertas Damaševičius completed the testing of the model and polished the language of the paper. Rafal Scherer completed the testing of the model and polished the language of the paper. At the beginning of the research in this paper, a large number of data annotator were required to complete the work of data markup, so that subsequent research could continue. Here, I would like to thank Ms. Ding Xiangxiang, Mr. Sun Xuesong, Mr. Wang Tuo who participated in the data labeling and cleaning. We also thank Dr. Qiang Si for helping the authors translate this manuscript.
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Wei, W., Li, X., Zhang, B. et al. LSTM-SN: complex text classifying with LSTM fusion social network. J Supercomput 79, 9558–9583 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-022-05034-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-022-05034-w