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Micro-expression action unit recognition based on dynamic image and spatial pyramid

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Most of the existing studies have focused on the expression recognition of micro-expressions, while little research has been done on how to recognize the action units of micro-expressions. This is due to the low intensity of facial action units, which are not easy to be recognized. We proposed a micro-expression action unit recognition algorithm based on dynamic image and spatial pyramids to address this problem. First, the video is passed through the dynamic image generation module to generate a dynamic image and extract the motion information contained in all frames. Then, given the subtle movement properties of micro-expressions, different levels of semantic features are obtained through spatial pyramids. It is also known that micro-expressions appear in the small range and are concentrated in the local area of the face, so the regional feature network and attention mechanism are used for the image features of each layer. Finally, our models are trained separately due to the weak correlation between action units. Experiments on CASME and CAS(ME)\(^2\) datasets verify that our proposed algorithm has shown better action unit recognition performance compared with other advanced methods.

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Zhou, G., Yuan, S., Xing, H. et al. Micro-expression action unit recognition based on dynamic image and spatial pyramid. J Supercomput 79, 19879–19902 (2023).

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