For the fast fading channels, e.g., fast mobile channels,non-coherent detection scheme is promising because the receiverdoes not require to measure the channel information, which resultsin reducing transmission overhead. In this paper, we compare thebit error rate of two non-coherent encoding/decoding schemes formultiple transmit antennas under fast fading environments when thenumber of antenna varies from two to three. The first approach isa unitary space-time modulation (USTM) that aims to achieve thenon-coherent channel capacity. The second one is a differentialspace-time block code (DSTBC), which projects information symbolsto a number of orthogonal bases that consist of the previouslysent symbols. We exhibit the fact that the block length of bothschemes affects the performance significantly rather thanencoding/decoding methods when the channel varies fast. Inaddition, we present some problems of the DSTBC sending thecomplex symbols with more than two transmit antennas.
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Chung, J., Nam, SH., Hwang, CS. et al. Performance Evaluation of Multiple Transmit Antenna Non-Coherent Detection Schemes in Fast Fading Channels. Wireless Personal Communications 26, 249–265 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1025538806118
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1025538806118