Let τ be the uniform triangulation generated by the usual three-directional mesh of the plane and let Σ1 be the unit square consisting of two triangles of τ. We study the space of piecewise polynomial functions in C k(R 2) with support Σ1 having a sufficiently high degree n, which are symmetrical with respect to the first diagonal of Σ1. Such splines are called Σ1-splines. We first compute the dimension of this space in function of n and k. Then, for any fixed k≥0, we prove the existence of Σ1-splines of class C k and minimal degree. These splines are not unique. Finally, we describe an algorithm computing the Bernstein–Bézier coefficients of these splines, and we give an example.
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Mazroui, A., Sbibih, D. & Tijini, A. C k-B-splines with Square Support on a Three-Direction Mesh of the Plane. Numerical Algorithms 34, 67–84 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1026102126842
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1026102126842