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Lasing and anti-lasing in a single cavity


Lasing, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, is a key attribute for many important applications in optical communications, medicine and defence. Conversely, anti-lasing represents the time-reversed counterpart of laser emission, where incoming radiation is coherently absorbed. Here, we experimentally realize lasing and anti-lasing at the same frequency in a single cavity using parity–time symmetry. Because of the time-reversal property, the demonstrated lasing and anti-lasing resonances share common resonant features such as identical frequency dependence, coherent in-phase response and fine spectral resolution. Lasing and anti-lasing in a single device offers a new route for light modulation with high contrast approaching the ultimate limit.

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Figure 1: CPA–laser for lasing and anti-lasing in a single cavity.
Figure 2: Experimental characterization scheme for the CPA–laser.
Figure 3: Lasing and anti-lasing measurement.
Figure 4: Phase response of outgoing waves by coherent light control.

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This work was primarily funded by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division of the US Department of Energy within the Metamaterials Program (KC12XZ). L.F. acknowledges the US Army Research Office (W911NF-15-1-0152) that supports the simulation. We thank the Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for the technical support in nanofabrication, and D. Olynick for discussions.

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Z.J.W., L.F. and X.Z. designed the experiment. Y.-L.X., Z.J.W. and L.F. performed the theoretical calculations and numerical simulations. Z.J.W. fabricated the samples. J.K., Y.-L.X., Z.J.W. and K.O.B. built the optical set-up, Z.J.W., Y.-L.X. and J.K. carried out the measurements and data analysis. All authors contributed to discussions and writing of the manuscript. X.Z., L.F. and Y.W. guided the research.

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Correspondence to Liang Feng or Xiang Zhang.

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Wong, Z., Xu, YL., Kim, J. et al. Lasing and anti-lasing in a single cavity. Nature Photon 10, 796–801 (2016).

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