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WantEat: interacting with social networks of smart objects for sharing cultural heritage and supporting sustainability
L. Console, G. Biamino, F. Carmagnola, F. Cena, E. Chiabrando, R. Furnari, C. Gena, P. Grillo, S. Likavec, I. Lombardi, M. Mioli, C. Picardi, D. Theseider Dupré, F. Vernero, R. Simeoni, F. Antonelli, V. Cuciti, M. Demichelis, F. Franceschi, M. Geymonat, A. Marcengo, D. Mana, M. Mirabelli, M. Perrero, A. Rapp, F. Fassio, P. Grimaldi, F. Torta
WantEat is about interacting with everyday objects that become intelligent hubs for accessing and sharing the cultural heritage of a territory. Objects are smart in the sense that they share knowledge with users, interact with them in a personalized way and maintain social relationships with users and other objects. When interacting with an object, a user is also introduced to the social network of its friends; the user can explore this network to discover new interesting information, services, objects, people. The objects we consider belong to the realm of gastronomy, including food items, shops, restaurants, cooks, recipes, etc. On the one hand, this allows people to get deeply in touch with the culture of a territory, making people aware of its traditions and supporting a sustainable gastronomy; on the other hand, the approach supports networking and the promotion of local quality productions and economy.
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