Published December 30, 2019 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Visual and inertial data for validation of gliding models of ornithopters


This dataset contains data from different gliding flights with an ornithopter in low wind conditions. For each experiment, the inertial information is provided.

Additionally, the flights have been recorded from three different points of view to track and triangulate its position. The videos are provided and the position of the camera has been determined using a Leica Total Station system with submillimeter accuracy. A sample of the 2D track of the ornithopter is provided for each video and experiment. The tracking along the three cameras are synchronized.


------Camera Pose structure------


Three cameras with four points: three to measure orientation and the last one the lens position. The last two points are the measured fall.
Camera 1 -> top left, bottom left and top right.
Camera 2 -> top left, top rigth and bottom right.
Camera 3 -> top left, bottom left and top right.
Then there are 14 rows. The pattern is: Point1, Point2, Point3 and Lens Position.

------IMU structure------

time, quaternion w, quaternion x, quaternion y, quaternion z, accelerometer x, accelerometer y, accelerometer z, Gyroscope x, Gyroscope y, Gyroscope z, magnetometer x ,magnetometer y ,magnetometer z
units: time->ms, accelerometer->g, gyroscope->ยบ/s



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Additional details


European Commission
GRIFFIN – General compliant aerial Robotic manipulation system Integrating Fixed and Flapping wings to INcrease range and safety 788247