Reforming fossil fuel subsidies could free up enough funds to finance universal access to water, sanitation, and electricity in many countries, as well as helping to cut global greenhouse-gas emissions.
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06 August 2015
In the Commentary 'Development incentives for fossil fuel subsidy reform' (Nature Clim. Change 5, 709–712; 2015), in the Acknowledgements, J. Steckel's surname was incorrectly spelled. This has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions after print 6 August 2015.
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We thank S. Pachauri, N.D. Rao and J. Steckel for helpful comments and suggestions.
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Jakob, M., Chen, C., Fuss, S. et al. Development incentives for fossil fuel subsidy reform. Nature Clim Change 5, 709–712 (2015).
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