![]() ![]() Weblioのデータベースに登録されている英語と日本語の対応関係を利用した、英和対訳辞書です。 提供 Weblio URL https://ejje.weblio.jp/ |
- 絞込み
- J
- JA
- JB
- JC
- JD
- JE
- JF
- JG
- JH
- JI
- JJ
- JK
- JL
- JM
- JN
- JO
- JP
- JQ
- JR
- JS
- JT
- JU
- JV
- JW
- JX
- JY
- JZ
- J(50音)
- J(タイ文字)
- J(数字)
- J(記号)
- Japan Information Processing Development Corporation
- Japan Institute of Labor
- Japan International Cooperation Agency
- Japan Light Metal Association
- Japan Lung Cancer Society
- Japan Management Association
- Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force
- Japan Material Test Reactor
- Japan Medical Association
- Japan Medical Team for Disaster Relief
- Japan Meteorological Agency
- Japan National Tourism Organization
- Japan National Tourist Association
- Japan National Tourist Organization
- Japan Network Information Center
- JaPan Network Information Center
- Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization
- Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
- Japan Offshore Market
- Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation
- Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers
- Japan Patent Attorneys Association
- Japan Personal Computer Software Association
- Japan Platform
- Japan Power Demonstration Reactor
- Japan premium
- Japan proper
- Japan Radioisotope Association
- Japan Scholarship Foundation
- Japan Science and Technology Agency
- Japan Science and Technology Corporation
- Japan Science Council
- Japan Self-Defense Forces
- Japan Sewage Works Agency
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center
- Japan Sports Association
- Japan standard time
- Japan Standard Time
- Japan Statistical Society
- Japan Steel Works
- Japan Stroke Society
- Japan Student Services Organization
- Japan time
- Japan Time
- Japan Times
- Japan Tobacco Inc
- Japan Tobacco Inc.
- Japan Tourism Agency
- Japan Travel Bureau
- Japan Trench
- Japan Users Association of Information Systems
- japan ware
- Japan wax
- Japan Youth Volunteers Association
- Japanese
- Japanese Agricultural Standard
- Japanese allspice
- Japanese American
- Japanese American Citizens League
- Japanese andromeda
- Japanese angelica tree
- Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition
- Japanese apricot
- Japanese Archipelago