![]() ![]() 「斎藤和英大辞典」(斎藤秀三郎著、日外アソシエーツ辞書編集部編)は、昭和3年に初版が刊行された和英辞典の復刻新版です。日本的な言い回しや慣用表現の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 日外アソシエーツ URL https://www.nichigai.co.jp/ |
- 絞込み
- A
- AA
- AB
- AC
- AD
- AE
- AF
- AG
- AH
- AI
- AJ
- AK
- AL
- AM
- AN
- AO
- AP
- AQ
- AR
- AS
- AT
- AU
- AV
- AW
- AX
- AY
- AZ
- A(50音)
- A(タイ文字)
- A(数字)
- A(記号)
- answering measure
- answering pennant
- answering the door
- ant-bear
- ant-cow
- ant-eater
- ant-hill
- ant-lion
- antagonism
- antagonist
- antagonistic
- antagonize
- Antarctic
- Antarctic Ocean
- antecedent
- antecedents
- antedate
- Antedating
- antelope
- Antenatal culture
- antenna
- antennae
- anterior to
- anteroom
- anthelmintic
- anther
- anther-dust
- anthology
- anthracite
- anthrax
- anthropoid ape
- Anthropology
- anti-
- Anti-fire provisions
- Anti-foreign
- Anti-Japanese
- anticipate
- anticipate trouble
- anticipation
- Anticipation
- Anticipation of trouble
- anticipatory
- anticlimax
- Anticlimax
- anticorrosive
- antics
- antidote
- antifebrile
- Antifebrin
- Antimony
- antinomian
- Antinomianism
- Antinomy
- antipathy
- Antipathy
- antipodal
- antipodean
- Antipodism
- Antipyrine
- antiquarianism
- antiquated
- Antiquated
- antiquated ideas
- antiquated thing
- antiquation
- antique
- antique article
- antique look
- antique style
- Antique style
- Antique utensils
- Antique-looking
- antiquities
- antiquity
- antiseptic
- antithesis
- antithetical
- antitoxin
- Antitoxin
- antitrade
- antler
- anus
- anvil
- anxiety
- Anxiety
- anxious
- anxious look
- anxious to know
- any
- Any
- any ...that...
- any ?
- any age
- any amount of
- any and every
- any and every one of them
- Any and everything
- any body
- any longer
- any malice or ill-will or offence