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該当件数 : 7件
Mortar finish, gypsum finish and plaster finish can be easily performed by applying primer coating to a foaming styrene pulverized material by Portland cement and an adhesive admixture. - 特許庁
To provide a storing box body capable of allowing articles having different sizes and kinds or the like to be sorted and thrown therein by partitioning an article throwing port having the predetermined opening width into a plurality of article throwing ports of the opening width corresponding to the dimension in the right-to-left direction of an article to be thrown in. - 特許庁
For example, according to one commentator, a number of metal alloys, including the high volume materials of cold rolled steel, hot rolled steel, and stainless steel, contain tin only as a contaminant, such that it is not part of the specification of these alloys. - 経済産業省
To enable the correct inspection of the bulk or internal volume of the base material of the glass substrate in the method of inspecting a transparent substrate by providing a sufficient speed, not needing highly finished surface, not limited only to a glass sheet, the locations of impurities are detected at the specific positions, and designating a sufficient sensitivity for detecting extremely small impurities. - 特許庁
To provide an over-cap capable of applying an identification characteristic enabling a discrimination of enclosed item at a glance to be realized even if an enclosing structure having the same specification is employed for a container with the over-cap and enabling the lid to be opened without touching an area that may become exposed through opening of the lid when the lid of the cap is opened. - 特許庁
(注)不招請勧誘の禁止の例外とされている「外国貿易その他の外国為替取引に関する業務を行う法人」(金商業等府令第 116条第1項第2号)には、例えば、国内の建設業者が海外から材木を輸入するにあたって、海外の輸出者と直接取引を行うのではなく、国内の商社を通じて実態として輸出入を行う場合は含まれるが、単に国内の業者から輸入物の材木を仕入れる場合は含まれないことに留意する必要がある。例文帳に追加
(Note) It should be kept in mind that “corporations engaging in foreign trade and foreign currency transactions” (Article 116(ii) of the FIB Cabinet Office Ordinance) that are excluded from the ban on uninvited solicitation includes cases where, for example, a domestic building contractor, who imports lumber from overseas, in reality, imports and exports through a domestic trading firm rather than transacting directly with overseas exporters, but does not include cases where it simply purchases imported lumber from a domestic trader.発音を聞く - 金融庁
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something that is out of stock
anything in one's charge―property in trust
odds and ends―odd-come-shorts―oddments―waifs and strays
a trust
a deposit
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