意味 | 例文 (138件) |
該当件数 : 138件
This evaluation value is compared with a threshold in a comparator 13, and when the evaluation value becomes not less than the threshold, an instruction of stopping is output to the generator 16. - 特許庁
Moreover, evaluation data based on the compared result are extracted from an evaluation table, and printed out. - 特許庁
If the evaluated size is relatively large, then a magnification for producing an output image from the shot image is made relatively low, and if the evaluated size is relatively small, then a magnification for producing an output image from the shot image is made relatively high. - 特許庁
ドットマトリックス・プリンタは比較的高価であり, その出力は高品質でない.例文帳に追加
Dot-matrix printers are relatively expensive and do not produce high-quality output.発音を聞く - コンピューター用語辞典
To realize a high power machining using a small spot diameter by a comparatively inexpensive laser device. - 特許庁
A digital evaluation circuit (311), with which the statistical evaluation of output signals generated by the comparators (303) can be carried out, is linked to outputs (309) of the comparators (303) of the analog-to-digital converter (301). - 特許庁
The detected output of the accompanied information is obtained by using the evaluation value calculated through the evaluation calculator 41 with an evaluation value comparator 43. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 138件
The comparison evaluation section 28 outputs the comparison result to a display management section 22 to have the comparison result displayed on a user terminal 3, thereby an effect of energy saving associated with change in schedule control information being displayed on the user terminal 3. - 特許庁
A period encoding means 28 compares the evaluation values of encoding distortion for every repeating cycle, selects a repeating period candidate of the driving sound source based on the comparision result and outputs selection information, the sound source position code and the polarity. - 特許庁
Further, evaluation reference for adaptability to the standard of undecoded data is set and compared with the adaptability of undecoded data read in from the optical pattern reading and decoding machine to output a comparison result. - 特許庁
A period encoding means 28 compares evaluation values of encoding distortion by the repetition periods, selects the repetition period candidate of the driving sound source according to the comparison result, and outputs selection information, a sound source position code, and a polarity. - 特許庁
A period encoding means 28 compares evaluated values of encoding distortion by repetition periods, selects repetition period candidates of the driving sound sources based upon the comparison results, and outputs selection information, a sound source position code, and a polarity. - 特許庁
A period encoding means 28 compares the evaluation values of the encoding distortions by the repetition periods, selects a repetition period candidate of the driving sound source on the basis of the comparison result, and outputs selection information, a sound position code, and a polarity. - 特許庁
A period encoding means 28 compares the evaluation values of the encoding distortions by the repetition periods, selects a repetition period candidate of the driving sound source based on the comparison result, and outputs selection information, a sound position code and a polarity. - 特許庁
ダウンロードしたstage tarballの正当性を評価したいなら、md5sumを使って、その出力とミラーで配布されているMD5チェックサムを比較してください。例文帳に追加
If you want to check the integrity of the downloaded stage tarball, use md5sum and compare the output with the MD5 checksum provided on the mirror. - Gentoo Linux
意味 | 例文 (138件) |
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