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英訳・英語 mechanic concept
該当件数 : 8件
世界を概念化するための認知的機構について に続き例文帳に追加
The cognitive machinery with which we conceptualize the world - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
futex は非常に基本的なもので、 POSIX mutex のような高度なロック機構の概念を構築するのに役立っている。例文帳に追加
Futexes are very basic and lend themselves well for building higher level locking abstractions such as POSIX mutexes.発音を聞く - JM
To provide a high pressure and high speed double-side polishing method without a gear transmission mechanism. - 特許庁
In the equipment control system, when the common concept command is transmitted to each of a plurality of equipments, the operation mechanism 3 of each equipment executes the operation of the concept in common based on the common concept command by the signal conversion part 33 in each equipment performing conversion processing. - 特許庁
Activities were developed through school education or policy for improving public health awareness of Taiwanese, resulting in a steady improvement of public health awareness of the public, and a research center for tropical medicine was established attached to the Taihoku Imperial University to educate healthcare professionals and research for the public health improvement.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
pipes モジュールでは、'pipeline' の概念 -- あるファイルを別のファイルに変換する機構の直列接続 -- を抽象化するためのクラスを定義しています。例文帳に追加
The pipes module defines a class to abstract the concept of a pipeline -- a sequence of convertors from one file to another.Because the module uses /bin/sh command lines, a POSIX or compatible shell for os. - Python
A feedback mechanism as an option between the former and latter self-learning artificial neural networks is used to accelerate convergence of this system on a useful concept or action plan. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 8件
To provide a drum capable of perfectly cutting off and removing the plant creeping around the drum in the hammer knife grass cutter that can perfectly cut and remove the plants creeping around the drum to largely increase the working efficiency and can effectively utilize the engine power through an efficiently miniaturized mechanism based on the ecological concepts. - 特許庁
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