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英訳・英語 harbor express service
該当件数 : 19件
Port cargo transportation発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
4) Port transport businesses - 経済産業省
一 港湾運送業務(港湾労働法(昭和六十三年法律第四十号)第二条第二号に規定する港湾運送の業務及び同条第一号に規定する港湾以外の港湾において行われる当該業務に相当する業務として政令で定める業務をいう。)例文帳に追加
(i) port transport services (which means port transport services prescribed in item (ii) of Article 2 of the Port Labor Act (Act No. 40 of 1988) and services designated by a Cabinet Order as services corresponding to port transport services carried out at ports other than those prescribed in item (i) of the same Article);発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
一 港湾運送事業法第二条第一項に規定する港湾運送のうち、同項第二号から第五号までのいずれかに該当する行為例文帳に追加
(i) among port transport work prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 2 of the Port Transport Business Act, acts falling under any of items (ii) to (v) inclusive of the same paragraph;発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Prohibited categories of work: Port transport services, construction work, security services, medical related services - 厚生労働省
Worker dispatching undertakings may not be carried out in ① port transport services, ②construction work, ③security services. - 厚生労働省
In paid job-placement service, job introductions for harbor transportation and construction are prohibited. - Weblio英語基本例文集
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Weblio例文辞書での「港湾運送業」に類似した例文 |
該当件数 : 19件
Thus Toimaru managed to break away from the exclusive ties with port-owners and became independent agents and carriers.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Continuing from FY2006, loans and other support measures will be implemented by the Institute for Advanced Port Transportation of Japan for the establishment of facilities such as physical distribution centers, installation of cargo-handling equipment for port transport, development and installation of logistics information systems, strengthening of the business bases of port transport providers, and terminal operator operations. - 経済産業省
第二十四条の三 法第三十二条の十一第一項の港湾労働法(昭和六十三年法律第四十号)第二条第一号に規定する港湾以外の港湾において行われる同条第二号に規定する港湾運送業務に相当する業務として厚生労働省令で定める業務は、港湾労働法第二条第一号に規定する港湾以外の港湾で港湾運送事業法(昭和二十六年法律第百六十一号)第二条第四項に規定するもの(第三号において「特定港湾」という。)において他人の需要に応じて行う次に掲げる行為に係る業務とする。例文帳に追加
Article 24-3 The work provided by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as equivalent to the port transport work provided by Article 2, item 2 of the Port Labor Act (Act No. 40 of 1988) performed at a port other than those listed in item 1 of the same Article, as provided by Article 32-11, paragraph 1 of the Act, shall be the work pertaining to the acts listed in the following performed in accordance with the demand of other persons at a port other than those provided by Article 2, item 1 of the Port Labor Act, and which is provided by Article 2, paragraph 4 of the Port Transportation Business Act (Act No. 161 of 1951) (referred to as the "provided port" in item 3).発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
一 港湾運送事業法第二条第一項第二号から第五号までのいずれかに該当する行為例文帳に追加
(i) An act falling under any item provided by Article 2, paragraph 1, items 2 to 5 inclusive of the Port Transportation Business Act発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第一条 労働者派遣事業の適正な運営の確保及び派遣労働者の就業条件の整備等に関する法律(以下「法」という。)第四条第一項第一号の政令で定める業務は、港湾労働法(昭和六十三年法律第四十号)第二条第一号に規定する港湾以外の港湾で港湾運送事業法(昭和二十六年法律第百六十一号)第二条第四項に規定するもの(第三号において「特定港湾」という。)において、他人の需要に応じて行う次に掲げる行為に係る業務とする。例文帳に追加
Article 1 Work specified by a Cabinet Order referred to in item (i) of paragraph (1) of Article 4 of the Act for Securing the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working Conditions for Dispatched Workers (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") shall be work pertaining to the following acts conducted, in response to another person's demand, at ports other than those prescribed in item (i) of Article 2 of the Port Labor Act (Act No. 40 of 1988) which are prescribed in paragraph (4) of Article 2 of the Port Transport Business Act (Act No. 161 of 1951) (such ports shall be referred to as "Specified Ports" in item (iii)):発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
三 船舶若しくははしけにより若しくはいかだに組んで運送された貨物の特定港湾の水域の沿岸からおおむね五百メートル(水島港にあつては千メートル、鹿児島港にあつては千五百メートル)の範囲内において厚生労働大臣が指定した区域内にある倉庫(船舶若しくははしけにより又はいかだに組んでする運送に係る貨物以外の貨物のみを通常取り扱うものを除く。以下この条において「特定港湾倉庫」という。)への搬入(上屋その他の荷さばき場から搬出された貨物の搬入であつて、港湾運送事業法第二条第三項に規定する港湾運送関連事業のうち同項第一号に掲げる行為に係るもの若しくは同法第三条第一号から第四号までに掲げる事業又は倉庫業法(昭和三十一年法律第百二十一号)第二条第二項に規定する倉庫業のうち特定港湾倉庫に係るものを営む者(以下この条において「特定港湾運送関係事業者」という。)以外の者が行うものを除く。)、船舶若しくははしけにより若しくはいかだに組んで運送されるべき貨物の特定港湾倉庫からの搬出(上屋その他の荷さばき場に搬入すべき貨物の搬出であつて、特定港湾運送関係事業者以外の者が行うものを除く。)又は貨物の特定港湾倉庫における荷さばき。ただし、冷蔵倉庫の場合にあつては、貨物の当該倉庫に附属する荷さばき場から冷蔵室への搬入、冷蔵室から当該倉庫に附属する荷さばき場への搬出及び冷蔵室における荷さばきを除く。例文帳に追加
(iii) The carrying of cargo transported by ship or barge, or by making a raft into a storehouse (excluding those regularly handling only the cargo other than those pertaining to the transportation by ship or barge, or by making a raft; hereinafter referred to as "specified port warehouse" in this Article) inside the area designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare within approximately 500 meters (or 1,000 meters in case of Mizushima Port or 1,500 meters in case of Kagoshima Port) from the coast of the water of the specified port (excluding the carrying-in of the cargo carried out of the storage shed or other cargo sorting area, performed by a person other than those operating the business related to port transportation provided by Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Port Transportation Business Act which pertains to the acts listed in item 1 of the same paragraph or the businesses provided by Article 3, items 1 to 4 inclusive of the same Act, or the warehousing business provided by Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Warehousing Business Act (Act No. 121 of 1956) which pertains to the specified port warehouse (hereinafter referred to as "specified port transportation-related business provider" in this Article)), carrying of cargo to be transported by ship or barge, or by making a raft out of the specified port warehouse (excluding the carrying-out of the cargo to be carried into the storing shed or other cargo sorting area, performed by a person other than the specified port transportation-related business provider), or sorting out of the cargo at the specified port warehouse; provided, however, that in case of a refrigerated warehouse, the carrying of cargo into the refrigerated room from the cargo sorting area attached to such warehouse, the carrying of cargo out of the refrigerated room to the cargo sorting area attached to such warehouse, and the cargo sorting businesses conducted in the refrigerated room shall be excluded.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第三十二条の十一 有料職業紹介事業者は、港湾運送業務(港湾労働法第二条第二号に規定する港湾運送の業務又は同条第一号に規定する港湾以外の港湾において行われる当該業務に相当する業務として厚生労働省令で定める業務をいう。)に就く職業、建設業務(土木、建築その他工作物の建設、改造、保存、修理、変更、破壊若しくは解体の作業又はこれらの作業の準備の作業に係る業務をいう。)に就く職業その他有料の職業紹介事業においてその職業のあつせんを行うことが当該職業に就く労働者の保護に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるものとして厚生労働省令で定める職業を求職者に紹介してはならない。例文帳に追加
Article 32-11 (1) A fee-charging employment placement business provider shall not introduce job seekers to any employment in which they perform port transport work (which means port transport work provided in Article 2, item 2 of the Port Labor Act or work specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as work equivalent thereto that is performed at a port other than a port provided in item 1 of the same Article), any employment in which they perform construction work (which means work pertaining to civil engineering, architecture and other work of constructing, remodeling, preserving, repairing, modifying, demolishing or dismantling a structure or any work in preparation therefor) or any other employment specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as one where provision of arrangement to obtain such employment through a fee-charging employment placement business presents the risk of interfering with the protection of workers who obtain such employment.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第十三条 港務局は、港湾運送業、倉庫業その他輸送及び保管に関連する私企業の公正な活動を妨げ、その活動に干渉し、又はこれらの者と競争して事業を営んではならない。例文帳に追加
Article 13 (1) A port authority shall not obstruct or interfere with the fair activities of private enterprises in the port transportation business, warehousing business and other businesses related to transportation and storage of goods nor shall it operate a business in competition therewith.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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