意味 | 例文 (16件) |
英訳・英語 fulminant form
該当件数 : 16件
An asthmatic model animal developing mixed asthma is produced by stimulating both cells. - 特許庁
An asthmatic model animal developing Th1 asthma by the stimulation of memory type Th1 cell becomes an asthmatic model animal developing Th2 asthma by the stimulation of memory type Th2 cell by using an animal having a memory type Th cell which induces asthma by stimulation. - 特許庁
To provide an interactive annotation system by which visual stimuli are presented to a dementia patient to promote activation. - 特許庁
To provide a new and effective method for stimulating hair growth and treating male-pattern alopecia. - 特許庁
To provide an active component capable of stimulating the direct or indirect expression of type 2 and/or type 3 human β-defensin without inducing inflammation, irritation or hypersensitive reaction. - 特許庁
To obtain an O/W emulsion type skin care composition that has percutaneous absorption of steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, excellent sense of use and moisture retaining property of preparation and reduction in skin irritation and contains a steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. - 特許庁
This method for judging the essential hypertension in the present invention is characterized by relating a gene polymorphism of human follicle stimulating hormone receptor gene and/or a haplo-type composed from the gene polymorphism to the presence or absence of individual hypertension symptom. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 16件
To provide a method for the examination of episodic aporioneurosis called also as panic aporioneurosis to outbreak severe anxiety without reason and forget himself by the overwhelming horror of death, known as panic seizure or panic disease which is the most grave neuropathy to develop symptoms difficult to understand by ordinary persons. - 特許庁
To provide an external preparation using germanium with the improved function of germanium via the skin of a user, capable of relieving the user from the stimulation and uncomfortable symptom when applied especially as a sealed form such as a poultice or an adhesive skin patch, and preventing the agent from being easily released. - 特許庁
To provide a swing type rehabilitation apparatus capable of effectively supplying appropriate stimulation to the body of a disuse atrophy patient or the like and facilitating the work of putting the patient on and off the apparatus. - 特許庁
To provide an O/W-type emulsion aqueous ophthalmic solution being safe with slight irritation, good in feeling in use with no stickiness, and effective for preventing or ameliorating dry eye associated with lachrymal fluid evaporation promotion and related various symptoms. - 特許庁
To find out a new plant extract having testosterone 5α-reductase inhibiting action and/or androgen receptor binding inhibiting action and provide a new antiandrogen agent, a hair growing cosmetic, etc., for treatment and prevention suitable for symptoms such as male-pattern baldness, hirsutism, seborrhea, etc., based on increase of androgenic hormone stimulation. - 特許庁
The curing method for the sleep apnea syndrome in the waking state is to be treated by strengthening the muscles through muscle strength stimulation training with a low frequency vibration 1 at the base of the tongue in the neck working with the sensor-actuated vibration 1. - 特許庁
To provide a histamine H_1 receptor blocking agent having selective and high blocking action on histamine H_1 receptor, effective for suppressing the itchiness caused by the type I allergic reaction relating to histamine, insect bite and skin pruritus and free from side actions such as central nervous suppressing action and local stimulation. - 特許庁
The invention relates to methods: directing a mammalian immune response towards a Th2 type response; stimulating an mammalian innate immune response, augmenting a mammalian inflammatory response from epithelial or fibroblast cells; inducing digestive tract cell growth; promoting mammalian extra medulary hematopoiesis; or augmenting antibody responses in serum and fecal material. - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (16件) |
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※この記事は「北里大学医療衛生学部 医療情報学研究室」ホームページ内の「医学用語集」(2001.06.10. 改訂)の情報を転載しております。 |
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