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英訳・英語 Team red、team white
該当件数 : 6件
This vaccine is a protein originated from an outer membrane protein gene of the H. paragallinarum type A bacteria, also a recombinant protein inducing the production of an erythrocyte coagulation inhibitor protein in an administered animal and the recombinant protein produced from a base sequence containing the base sequence shown by a sequence number 1 (in the specification). - 特許庁
To provide a thermoplastic resin composition for laser marking, which obtains clear white character, sign, etc., with less yellowness and redness, and has excellent laser marking property on an in-car member, electric and electronic components, etc. - 特許庁
Red, green and blue LEDs are provided at the back of segments of an LED 200 and different colors such as yellow, white and the like can be indicated by combining the three colors. - 特許庁
監督第二作『青空娘』より若尾文子とタッグを組み、『妻は告白する』『清作の妻』『女の小箱・より 夫が見た』『赤い天使』などの佳作にして重要な作品群を残す。例文帳に追加
Since the second film directed by him "A Vivacious Girl," he had worked together with actress Ayako WAKAO, and made a series of notable and significant pieces such as "A Wife Confesses," "Seisaku's Wife," "The Husband Witnessed," and "Red Angel."発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The mixed fluorescent substance is combined with a semiconductor device, emits light of hyacinth or blue, and thus manufactures the white-color light-emitting diode for emitting light of warm white color in a highly efficient manner. - 特許庁
To provide an acrylic laser-marking resin composition that shows transparency, enables clear coloration, enables marking of less-yellowish, less-reddish, white clear letters, symbols, etc. on a car-mounted member, an electric member, an electronic member, etc. when exposed to a laser beam and is excellent in heat resistance, impact resistance, surface hardness and surface gloss. - 特許庁
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