MENGとは 意味・読み方・使い方
該当件数 : 13件
Moso yama (decorative float named after Moso (Meng Zong), a paragon of a man from "Records of Filial Piety in 24 Chapters" compiled in the Yuan dynasty)発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
孟宗山(もうそうやま) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The stories are mainly based on "Meng-qui" (Beginner's Guide) and Bai Juyi's "Bai-Shi Wen Ji," most of which recount well-known ancient stories.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
『蒙求』『白氏文集』などを主要な出典とし、多くは有名な故事を題材としたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In old China, fu was referred to as mian jin (gluten) and was mentioned in "Meng Xi Bi Tan" (Dream Stream Essays) which was written during the Sung Dynasty era.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
中国では古くは麪筋(めんきん)と呼ばれ、宋(王朝)に書かれた『夢渓筆談』にもその名が登場する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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遺伝子名称シソーラスでの「MENG」の意味 |
bacillus | 遺伝子名 | menG |
同義語(エイリアス) | ubiE; MenH; Spore germination protein C2; Menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase ubiE; BSU22750; menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase; gerC2; gerCB; menH | |
EntrezGeneのID | --- | |
その他のDBのID | Subtilist:BG10280 |
mouse | 遺伝子名 | Meng |
同義語(エイリアス) | metastic enhancing gene | |
SWISS-PROTのID | --- | |
EntrezGeneのID | EntrezGene:104192 | |
その他のDBのID | MGI:107463 |
該当件数 : 13件
"The creature movement mimicker is like the person who was just performing the fish dance, the prawn dance, and the lion dance," says Meng Kang's commentary on the book of ritual and music in the series of Historical Records of the Han Dynasty.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
『漢書』禮樂志の孟康注に「象人若今戯魚蝦師子者也」(象人は、今の魚、蝦、獅子を戯するがごとき者なり)と記述される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In "Wei shi yue pu (Scores by the Wei Family)," 50 compositions, including 'Koryoraku,' 'Lovely Jasmine,' 'Kiseno,' 'Yang Guan,' 'Heshengchao,' 'Zhaojun Yuan' and 'Ru Meng Ling' were recorded.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
上述の『魏氏楽譜』には、「江陵楽」「蝶恋花」「喜遷鶯」「陽関曲」「賀聖朝」「昭君怨」「如夢令」など五十曲の楽譜が収録されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The origin of the Japanese 'chofuku' is "Shanfu" (everyday court dress) in Tang ('chofuku' in Tang was a different thing of the same name), and the robe of this Shanfu derived from Kohuku (traditional clothes for Kojin [who lived in Northern China in ancient times]) (according to "Meng Xi Bi Tan" (Dream Stream Essays)).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
日本の「朝服」の祖形になったのは唐の「常服」であるが(唐の「朝服」とは同名異物)、この常服のうわぎは胡服の系統を引くものであった(夢渓筆談ほか)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The sight of a large, lofty tower still standing on a riverside was admired by many poets, who produced many masterpieces of interesting and tasteful poems, for example, '黄鶴楼送孟浩然之広陵' (Sending off Haoran MENG for Yangju at Yellow Crane Tower) by Li Bai and '黄鶴楼' (Yellow Crane Tower) by Hao Cui (around 704 - 754).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
河畔に佇む楼閣の大廈高楼たるさまは多くの詩家にも好まれ、李白の「黄鶴楼送孟浩然之広陵」や、崔顥(約704年-754年)の「黄鶴楼」など興趣に富んだ佳作を生むこととなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
According to the lore, the dish of mantou originated in the historical fact that a flood subsided after a kneaded flour dough stuffed with mutton and pork, which imitated a human head was thrown into a river in order to change the custom of sinking a human head into a river for human sacrifice to stop floods when Zhuge LIANG, the prime minister of Shu in the Sanguo Zhi (History of the Three Kingdoms) was on his way back from southern expedition to attack Meng HUO in the third century.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
饅頭(まんとう)は伝承によれば、3世紀の三国志の蜀の宰相・諸葛亮が孟獲との南征の帰途、川の氾濫を沈めるために川の神へと人身御供を立てて、人の首を川に沈めるという風習を改めさせようと小麦粉で練った皮に羊・豚の肉を詰めそれを人間の頭に見立てて川に投げ込んだところ川の氾濫が静まった故事からこの料理が始まったという説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Bang-gyeong KIM said, "an art of war teaches us not to fight with an army that has come from far away. It means that entering into the enemy's territory, far away from home, rather raises the morale and fighting strength of the army. Our army is small, but already in the enemy's territory. Although we ourselves are to fight, it is in accordance with historical lessons such as 'burning his own ships to fight' of Ming MENG, who served Duke Mu of Qin, and 'fighting with his back against the river' of Xin HAN, who served the Han Dynasty. Please let us fight again."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
金方慶「兵法に『千里の県軍、その鋒当たるべからず』とあり、本国よりも遠く離れ敵地に入った軍は、却って志気が上がり戦闘能力が高まるものである。我が軍は少なしといえども既に敵地に入っている。我が軍は自ずから戦うことになるがこれは秦穆公の孟明の『焚船』や漢の韓信の『背水の陣』の故事に沿うものである。再度戦わせて頂きたい。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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