意味 |
We are sorry we couldn't meet your expectation.とは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 ご期待にそえず申し訳ありません
意味 |
ピン留めアイコンをクリックすると単語とその意味を画面の右側に残しておくことができます。 |
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Weblio会員(無料)になると 検索履歴を保存できる! 語彙力診断の実施回数増加! |
「We are sorry we couldn't meet your expectation.」のお隣キーワード |
We are sorry to say that we can not give you that information.
We are sorry to trouble you, but could you do a little correction?
We are sorry we are unable to accept your request.
We are sorry we can't deliver the product by the end of August.
We are sorry we can't help you.
We are sorry we couldn't meet your expectation.
We are sorting the results of those evaluations.
We are so very worried about her.
We are speaking on behalf of the young people of Australia.
We are speaking with our clients about next year's contract.
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Weblio会員(無料)になると 検索履歴を保存できる! 語彙力診断の実施回数増加! |