意味 |
devil in one's eyesとは 意味・読み方・使い方
Wiktionary英語版での「devil in one's eyes」の意味 |
devil in one's eyes
- A look that reflects an underlying trait that is associated with the devil
- A look that reflects an underlying evil or corruption
- A lascivious look
- 2017, Larry Schweikart, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Presidents:
- She despised the different cabals jockeying for political influence and particularly distrusted Hamilton (" I have seen the devil in his eyes,” she said, “his wicked eyes. The very devil is in them. They are lasciviousness itself”—though these observations are probably more about his lust for Maria Reynolds かつ other young women than about his politics.).
- An expression of willfulness or defiance
- A mischievous look
- A look that reflects an underlying evil or corruption
意味 |
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