意味 | 例文 (7件) |
eco-car subsidyとは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 エコカー補助金
「eco-car subsidy」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 7件
In the transport machinery industry in particular, the current production exceeds the level seen immediately before the earthquake due in part to the effects of policies, including the Eco Car Subsidy Program (Chart 1-1).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
特に輸送機械工業においては、エコカー補助金等の政策効果もあり、足下では震災直前を超える水準(図表1-1)。 - 経済産業省
The consumption expenditure of workers' households increased in 2012 for the first time in two years, partially thanks to the eco-car subsidy program .例文帳に追加
・2012年の勤労者世帯の消費支出は、エコカー補助金制度等の効果により2 年ぶりに増加した。 - 厚生労働省
In 2012, both export-bound production and domestic-bound production declined due to the slowdown of theworld economy, end of eco-car subsidy program, etc.例文帳に追加
2012年は世界経済の減速やエコカー補助金の終了に伴う反動減等により、生産は輸出向け、国内向けともに減少した。 - 厚生労働省
In addition, the sales volume of products covered by the Eco Point or Eco Car Subsidy Program has increased the positive impacts of these policy programs, but it has fluctuated so much due to the termination/alternation of these policy programs or from the effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
また、エコポイント、エコカー補助金等の政策効果により対象製品の販売台数等は増加したが、政策の終了・変更、震災といったタイミングで大きな浮き沈みがあった。 - 経済産業省
Looking at the transition of workers' household expenditures in 2012, the consumer expenditures increased forthe first time in 2 years, while the consumption was supported by the field of transportation and communication,etc . in which a new eco-car subsidy program was initiated .例文帳に追加
また、2012年の勤労者家計の動きをみると、新たなエコカー補助金制度が開始された交通・通信等が消費を下支えし消費支出は2 年ぶりに増加した。 - 厚生労働省
This indicates that, in line with the decline of husbands' income, wives are increasingly participating as labour force in order to support the household budget; we need to further promote the environment so that these people can easily meet their wishes for employment .(Employment decreased in the manufacturing industry, but the employment loss was kept to a low level, due to such means as reduction of new hiring) In 2012, both export-bound production and domestic-bound production declined due to the slowdown of the world economy, end of eco-car subsidy program, etc .例文帳に追加
つまり夫の年収低下とあいまって妻が家計補助の観点から労働参加をしていることが増えていると考えられるが、こうした者が就業希望を実現しやすいような環境整備をこれからも進める必要がある。 - 厚生労働省
Looking at the consumer expenditure of workers' households in 2012 according to Table 9, the consumerexpenditure of workers' households in 2012 decreased in the fields of housing, etc. due to the influence of thereconstruction demand of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the eco-point system for housing in the previousyear; however, consumer expenditure increased in the fields of transportation, communication, etc. due to the neweco-car subsidy program and popularization of the Internet and mobile phones (including smart phones).例文帳に追加
第9 表により、2012年の勤労者世帯の消費支出をみると、前年の東日本大震災への復興需要等や住宅エコポイント制度の反動があった住居等で減少したものの、新たなエコカー補助金制度やインターネット・携帯電話(スマートフォンを含む)の普及等により交通・通信等が伸びて消費支出は名目、実質ともに前年比1.6%の増加となり、2 年ぶりに増加した。 - 厚生労働省
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