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「maturity value」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 12件
a bond that is issued at a deep discount from its value at maturity and pays no interest during the life of the bond発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
満期にその価値から大幅な割引で発行され、契約期間中利息を払わない債権 - 日本語WordNet
To provide a method for controlling the circulation fan of a banana maturity processing chamber, capable of eliminating a labor work for measuring and adjusting a temperature difference at banana flesh in a box during banana maturity operation, making a maturity degree of the whole bananas uniform and enabling a banana maturity operation to give a higher commercial value to the bananas.例文帳に追加
本発明はバナナ熟成加工中に、箱中のバナナ位置における果肉温度差を測定したり修正したりする手間を省略し、バナナ全体の熟成度を均一化させて商品価値のより高いバナナの熟成加工が可能となるバナナ熟成加工室の循環ファン制御方法を提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁
(ii) assets which have market value (excluding shares of Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies and claims purported to be held to maturity);発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
二 市場価格のある資産(子会社及び関連会社の株式並びに満期保有目的の債券を除く。) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Y = (subscribers’ yield (average simple yield) of the relevant bond (newly issued bond)) -(average simple yield (the value published one day after the terms-setting date), calculated on the basis of reference bond trading statistics published by the Japan Securities Dealers Association, of the government bond whose maturity date is closest to that of the relevant bond (newly issued bond))発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
Y=(当該債券(新発債)の応募者利回り(単利))-(当該債券(新発債)と償還日が最も近い国債の公社債売買参考統計値の平均値単利(条件決定日の翌日付で発表された値)) - 金融庁
The hard natural cheese enriched in flavor is obtained, by hermetically sealing cheese having a maturity index STN/TN value of 5-30 wt.% with a flavoring substance, followed by maturing the cheese in anaerobic conditions.例文帳に追加
熟度指数STN/TN値が5〜30重量%のチーズを芳香物質とともに密封し、嫌気性状態で熟成させることによって風味を強化した硬質系ナチュラルチーズを得る。 - 特許庁
A maturity Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation part 12 determines the upper limit and the lower limit of the appropriate MBI value of the target pregnant woman during a prescribed period in the pregnancy based on the received height and body weight before the pregnancy of the pregnant woman.例文帳に追加
ここで受け付けた妊婦の身長及び妊娠前の体重に基づいて、満期BMI算出部12は、妊娠期間の所定時期の対象妊婦の適正なBMI値の上限値及び下限値を定める。 - 特許庁
While professional and business services in the US continue to grow, the pace of growth has slowed, suggesting that professional and business services are maturing as an industry. Looking at the relationship between outsourcing market maturity and offshore outsourcing, service trade statistics reveal that the trade value of “professional, scientific and technical services” exports still outstrips that of imports, but increase rates suggest that imports are growing faster than exports.例文帳に追加
米国の対事業所サービスは、成長を続けつつも成長のテンポを鈍化させつつあり、業種として成熟しつつある段階にあると考えられる。 - 経済産業省
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「maturity value」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 12件
Looking at the relationship between outsourcing market maturity and offshore outsourcing, service trade statistics reveal that the trade value of “professional, scientific and technical services” exports still outstrips that of imports, but increase rates suggest that imports are growing faster than exports.例文帳に追加
貿易動向で見ると、インドについては米国及び世界全体との関係でオフショア・アウトソーシングの供給源としての位置を高めている可能性がある。 - 経済産業省
Because of the maturity of the economy led by developed countries, the source that creates added value is shifting from tangible fixed assets to knowledge capital and human capital.(Development of the knowledge economy and the "competition to secure talent")例文帳に追加
先進諸国を中心に経済の成熟化に伴い、付加価値を生み出す源泉が有形固定資産から知識資本や人的資本へとシフトしており、外国人を含めて優秀な人材を確保することが経済の活性化及び国際競争力の維持のために従来以上に重要となりつつある。 - 経済産業省
In the bank recapitalization exercise, which was agreed by the EU Summit last October, European banks are required to evaluate the price of hold-to-maturity government bonds based on the market value as of September 30, 2011, taking into account the impact of drops in government bond prices in the case of peripheral countries (instead of the book value, in accordance with the International Accounting Standards (IAS)).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
昨年10月のEU首脳会合で合意された銀行の資本増強の試算において、欧州周縁国の国債については価格下落の影響も勘案し、(満期保有目的の国債価格を国際会計基準に従って簿価で評価するのではなく)昨年9月30日の市場価格で評価することとされている。 - 財務省
X = (average (refer to Note) of reported values, as specified under the “System for Publication of Over-the-Counter Quotations Regarding Corporate Bonds, etc., Intended for Individuals” (values published on the day before the offer date) regarding the similar bond) - (average simple yield (the value published on the same day as the offer date), calculated on the basis of reference bond trading statistics published by the Japan Securities Dealers Association, of the government bond whose maturity date is closest to that of the similar bond)発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
X=(類似の債券に係る「個人向け社債等の店頭気配情報発表制度」上の報告値(募集を行う日の前日付で発表された値)の平均値(注))-(類似の債券と償還日が最も近い国債の日本証券業協会発表の公社債売買参考統計値の平均値単利(募集を行う日の同日付で発表された値)) - 金融庁
A. In calculating the value of the risk equivalent, the Financial Instruments Business Operator should use a coupon rate calculated in a reasonable manner in light of the prevailing rate in the secondary market at the time of the calculation, or use the coupon rate on the most recent government bond with the same maturity and the same issuance format with the relevant government bond (in the case of a government bond whose coupon rate is determined through the formula “standard interest rate . α of the previous bond,” “the most recent standard interest rate . α”) as a provisional coupon rate, and the same calculation method should continue to be used.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
イ.リスク相当額の算出に当たっては、算出時点の流通市場における実勢価格を考慮して合理的に算定された利率、又は当該取引の対象となる国債と償還年限及び発行形式が同一である国債の直近発行例における表面利率(利率が「基準金利-α」により決定される国債については、「直近の基準金利-前回債の α」)を、仮の表面利率として利用するものとし、その際、当該計算方法については、継続して使用すること。 - 金融庁
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