Papers by Hellen Kato
The goal of this study was to evaluate sous vide fish and assess the influence of time and temper... more The goal of this study was to evaluate sous vide fish and assess the influence of time and temperature on the pasteurization process through quality parameters. The raw material (tambaqui fillets) and the sous vide underwent physical, physicochemical, and microbiological analyses. A sauce was prepared containing soy sauce, water, horseradish and garlic flakes. The product’s pasteurization parameters of time and temperature were defined according to a 22 central composite rotatable design (CCRD), and the dependent variables were water holding capacity (WHC) and instrumental texture aiming at obtaining high WHC values for the product to maintain the desired juiciness. The microbiological analysis required by legislation have indicated that the fish fillets and sous vide were within de standard. The values of total
coliforms found in the samples (fillets and sous vide) analyzed were below the critical level of 10² CFU/g.
The counts of sulphite-reducing clostridia and psychrotrophic and mesophilic bacteria on plates in the samples were <1x10 CFU/g. In conclusion, temperature was the most important factor in the
pasteurization process, significantly contributing to the quality of the final product. The mathematical models proposed were considered predictive for each response.
The global fish production and consumption has been growing
over the past decades, and this incre... more The global fish production and consumption has been growing
over the past decades, and this increase is due to an improved
perception of the nutritional and healthful characteristics of this
protein source. This increasing interest is generated in part by
several studies that have associated fish consumption to obesity reduction, improvements in cognitive development and prevention of cardiac and metabolic diseases such diabetes (Mozaffarian and Elvevoll, 2010). However, in some countries like Brazil, there are still limiting factors for consumption, mainly related to price and lack of access to convenience products. In countries where consumption is traditional, like China and Norway, others factors acts limiting purchases: the growing concern with issues such as fish contamination due to the quality of fishing/farming water, mainly metal contaminants (Jensen, 2006; Feng et al., 2009).
The Acari-Bodo (Liposarcus pardalis, CASTELNAU, 1855), is a freshwater fish of the family of acar... more The Acari-Bodo (Liposarcus pardalis, CASTELNAU, 1855), is a freshwater fish of the family of acaris (Loricaridae). This species of fish is sold alive in shipping due to the rapid process of degradation after death which creates a repulsive odor, and render it impossible for consumption. However, it offers huge potential for technological development because it presents excellent acceptance in the market place. In addition to being consumed fresh, the muscle is also used for the manufacture of fish-meal, "piracuí", a product widely consumed in region, especially in inland areas. The Acari-Bodo, raw material of "piracuí", proves ideal for the manufacture of this product, because of its low fat content, and an excellent source of protein. Despite the nutritional advantages, this product shows problems during its production, in a traditional manner and rudimentary, with limited technological means, which imposes several restrictions from the point of view of health and trade. The critical points are related to poor hygiene in the handling of raw material and final product, materials and equipment used, packing, storage and marketing, besides the quality of the fish used. The aim of this study was to construct the adsorption isotherm for fish meal type piracuí "and cross the results with microbiological determination to fix the stability and storage conditions of the product. The "piracuí" showed type III isotherms and exponential behavior above 0.6 Aw. The product will have microbiological stability at Aw < 0.6 if humidity content will be below 10g/100g-1 d.b. The model with best fit (P and R 2) was BET. The product showed an absence of Salmonella, coagulase positive Staphylococcus, coliforms at 45°C, yeasts and molds. However, Aw below 0.6 occurred shortly halophilic bacteria growth. The results of this research provide data for the study of materials that can be used as packaging for storage of fishmeal type piracuí due this product to be frequently traded in the Amazon region.
Brazilian agriculture is characterized by versatility and variety. There are several modes of pro... more Brazilian agriculture is characterized by versatility and variety. There are several modes of production and different types of farmers When evaluating aspects of the creators , especially those considered farm family, most studies portrays them from economic and production characteristics , suppressing important social aspects that identify them as distinct groups marked by sociability. Thus, the aim of this work was to demonstrate the importance of the socioeconomic profile of sheep cutting and its importance in the formulation of public policies. For this, we interviewed 336 farmers in the municipality of Taua-CE. The city has one of the largest herds of sheep in the country and focuses a traditional lamb market in which the "Manta de Taua" stands out as the main product. It was observed that the majority of respondents in households are small, stable, headed by men with low levels of education and rural property owners with good infrastructure for housing, but not very productive. The aspects related to rural youth and their consequences on succession familiar were appointed.
O deslocamento motivado pelo interesse em conhecer elementos culinários diferentes faz surgir um ... more O deslocamento motivado pelo interesse em conhecer elementos culinários diferentes faz surgir um novo segmento, o turismo gastronômico. Essa modalidade se desenvolve em destinos que preservam e valorizam seus sabores e saberes gastronômicos, construídos a partir de uma identidade bastante peculiar a sua população. As relações entre o turismo e a gastronomia na Amazônia, em especial no Pará são o foco desse artigo de abordagem antropológica que fez uso da pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e da observação participante para analisar o objeto de estudo desta pesquisa, a " Expedição Amazônia ". Um roteiro de turismo gastronômico no Pará criado com o objetivo de promover o contato entre visitantes e visitados, baseado na troca de conhecimentos acerca da gastronomia da região. Ao final do estudo identificamos pontos positivos como valorização da cultura local e de seu povo, mas também encontramos pontos a serem melhorados como o aumento de benefícios para as comunidades receptoras a partir da interação com os turistas. Além da atuação mais presente do Poder Público e investimentos do setor privado para o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento deste segmento, possibilitando que se estenda a outros destinos no estado.
Books by Hellen Kato
O consumo mundial de pescado vem crescendo ao longo das
últimas décadas, sendo este aumento credi... more O consumo mundial de pescado vem crescendo ao longo das
últimas décadas, sendo este aumento creditado a uma melhora da percepção das características nutricionais e saudabilidade dessa fonte de proteína. Esse aumento de interesse, deve‐se em parte, a diversos estudos vêm associando o consumo de pescado com a redução da obesidade, melhoras no desenvolvimento cognitivo e prevenção de doenças cardíacas e metabólicas como o diabetes.
Para orientar a tomada de decisões por parte de toda a cadeia
produtiva que vem se fortalecendo no país, este capítulo visa a
discussão de temas recorrentes relacionados ao consumo de
pescados; perfil dos consumidores e tecnologias e inovações para o aumento do consumo, através da agregação de valor.
O mercado de peixes cultivados cresce no mundo todo e, especialmente no Brasil, ganha cada vez ma... more O mercado de peixes cultivados cresce no mundo todo e, especialmente no Brasil, ganha cada vez mais produtores e consumidores. Pensando em orientar os empreendedores de pequeno porte a aumentar a comercialização do seu principal
produto, o Sebrae desenvolveu, em parceria com a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuárias (Embrapa), esta publicação para ensinar técnicas de compra, armazenamento e preparo dos peixes nativos pirarucu, tambaqui e surubim.
Conference Presentations by Hellen Kato
The Japanese cuisine, since the 80s, expands in Brazil, bringing techniques and ingredients of it... more The Japanese cuisine, since the 80s, expands in Brazil, bringing techniques and ingredients of its origin combined with innovations related to American cuisine; therefore, it is heavily dependent on imported ingredients. The aim of this work is, using the fusion food concept, suggests native fish species grown in the Amazon as gastronomic alternative to this market. An experiment involving chefs from Amazon and Japanese cuisine developed six preparations, using pirarucu and tambaqui. These dishes were evaluated by a trained panel of 24 professionals from aquaculture and Japanese restaurants. It was evaluated the acceptance and their attributes using a hedonic scale with a structured questionnaire to estimate consumer purchase intention. All dishes obtained wide acceptance, highlighting Pirarucu's Teppan. It was concluded that the use of native fish, tambaqui and pirarucu, from Amazonian cultures is a viable alternative to the innovation of Japanese cuisine in Brazil, through the fusion cuisine.
Papers by Hellen Kato
coliforms found in the samples (fillets and sous vide) analyzed were below the critical level of 10² CFU/g.
The counts of sulphite-reducing clostridia and psychrotrophic and mesophilic bacteria on plates in the samples were <1x10 CFU/g. In conclusion, temperature was the most important factor in the
pasteurization process, significantly contributing to the quality of the final product. The mathematical models proposed were considered predictive for each response.
over the past decades, and this increase is due to an improved
perception of the nutritional and healthful characteristics of this
protein source. This increasing interest is generated in part by
several studies that have associated fish consumption to obesity reduction, improvements in cognitive development and prevention of cardiac and metabolic diseases such diabetes (Mozaffarian and Elvevoll, 2010). However, in some countries like Brazil, there are still limiting factors for consumption, mainly related to price and lack of access to convenience products. In countries where consumption is traditional, like China and Norway, others factors acts limiting purchases: the growing concern with issues such as fish contamination due to the quality of fishing/farming water, mainly metal contaminants (Jensen, 2006; Feng et al., 2009).
Books by Hellen Kato
últimas décadas, sendo este aumento creditado a uma melhora da percepção das características nutricionais e saudabilidade dessa fonte de proteína. Esse aumento de interesse, deve‐se em parte, a diversos estudos vêm associando o consumo de pescado com a redução da obesidade, melhoras no desenvolvimento cognitivo e prevenção de doenças cardíacas e metabólicas como o diabetes.
Para orientar a tomada de decisões por parte de toda a cadeia
produtiva que vem se fortalecendo no país, este capítulo visa a
discussão de temas recorrentes relacionados ao consumo de
pescados; perfil dos consumidores e tecnologias e inovações para o aumento do consumo, através da agregação de valor.
produto, o Sebrae desenvolveu, em parceria com a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuárias (Embrapa), esta publicação para ensinar técnicas de compra, armazenamento e preparo dos peixes nativos pirarucu, tambaqui e surubim.
Conference Presentations by Hellen Kato
coliforms found in the samples (fillets and sous vide) analyzed were below the critical level of 10² CFU/g.
The counts of sulphite-reducing clostridia and psychrotrophic and mesophilic bacteria on plates in the samples were <1x10 CFU/g. In conclusion, temperature was the most important factor in the
pasteurization process, significantly contributing to the quality of the final product. The mathematical models proposed were considered predictive for each response.
over the past decades, and this increase is due to an improved
perception of the nutritional and healthful characteristics of this
protein source. This increasing interest is generated in part by
several studies that have associated fish consumption to obesity reduction, improvements in cognitive development and prevention of cardiac and metabolic diseases such diabetes (Mozaffarian and Elvevoll, 2010). However, in some countries like Brazil, there are still limiting factors for consumption, mainly related to price and lack of access to convenience products. In countries where consumption is traditional, like China and Norway, others factors acts limiting purchases: the growing concern with issues such as fish contamination due to the quality of fishing/farming water, mainly metal contaminants (Jensen, 2006; Feng et al., 2009).
últimas décadas, sendo este aumento creditado a uma melhora da percepção das características nutricionais e saudabilidade dessa fonte de proteína. Esse aumento de interesse, deve‐se em parte, a diversos estudos vêm associando o consumo de pescado com a redução da obesidade, melhoras no desenvolvimento cognitivo e prevenção de doenças cardíacas e metabólicas como o diabetes.
Para orientar a tomada de decisões por parte de toda a cadeia
produtiva que vem se fortalecendo no país, este capítulo visa a
discussão de temas recorrentes relacionados ao consumo de
pescados; perfil dos consumidores e tecnologias e inovações para o aumento do consumo, através da agregação de valor.
produto, o Sebrae desenvolveu, em parceria com a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuárias (Embrapa), esta publicação para ensinar técnicas de compra, armazenamento e preparo dos peixes nativos pirarucu, tambaqui e surubim.