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The novel ''The Nausea'' is in some ways a [[manifesto]] of atheism in [[existentialism]] and is an important books in this way. Sartre deal with a dejected researcher (Antoine Roquentin) in a anonymous french town, where Roquentin becomes conscious of the fact that the vegetable nature as a root tree, and obviously every inanimate objects, are indifferent towards him and his tormented existence. Besides they show to be totally extraneous to any human meaning, while no human conscience can see something significant in them.
In Camus we have a sort of dualisms between happiness and sadness, life and death, and the human condition is fleeting in it. In '' Le Mythe de Sisyphe '' ([[''The Myth of Sisyphus]]'' (1942) such dualism becomes paradoxal, because the man value greatly our existence while we know our endeavours be meaningless. So he becomes in a contradicting absurd, because if he asserts: ''I can accept periods of unhappiness, because I know I will also experience happiness to come''), andthen i nthe same time itassert cannot live with the paradox: (''I think my life is of great importance, but I also think it is meaningless''). Therefore Camus spoke of experience the [[Absurd]], but together of a some strange acceptation of it.