Christian demonology: Difference between revisions

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The book of the Bible is "Revelation" specifically the "Revelation to John". "Revelations" is a common mistake.
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The idea that demons have horns seems to have been taken from chapter 13 of the [[Book of Revelation]].<ref>J. Hampton Keathley, [ The Beast and the False Prophet (Rev 13:1-18)]</ref>
{{blockquote|And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, and on its horns were ten diadems, and on its heads were blasphemous names.|Revelations|13:1<ref>{{bibleref2|Revelations|13:1|NRSVUE}}</ref>}}
{{blockquote|ThenAnd I saw anothera beast that roserising out of the earth;sea, itwith hadten twohorns and seven heads, and on its horns likewere aten lambdiadems, and iton spokeits likeheads awere dragonblasphemous names.|RevelationsRevelation|13:111<ref>{{bibleref2|Revelations|13:111|NRSVUE}}</ref>}}
{{blockquote|AndThen I saw aanother beast risingthat rose out of the sea,earth; withit tenhad horns and seven heads, and on itstwo horns werelike tena diademslamb, and onit itsspoke headslike werea blasphemous namesdragon.|RevelationsRevelation|13:111<ref>{{bibleref2|Revelations|13:111|NRSVUE}}</ref>}}
This idea has also been associated with the depiction of certain ancient gods like [[Moloch]] and the [[shedu]], etc., which were portrayed as bulls, as men with the head of a bull, or wearing bull horns as a crown.{{Citation needed|date=March 2012}}