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== Lifestyle ==
The Clactonian dates to the early part of the [[Hoxnian interglacial|Hoxnian Interglacial]] (which correlates with the mainland European [[Holstein interglacial]] and the global [[Marine Isotope Stage 11]]), when Britain had a [[temperate deciduous forest]] environment and climate similar to that of Britain during the contemporary [[Holocene]] period.<ref name=":1" /><ref>{{Cite journal |last=Candy |first=Ian |last2=Schreve |first2=Danielle C. |last3=Sherriff |first3=Jennifer |last4=Tye |first4=Gareth J. |date=January 2014 |title=Marine Isotope Stage 11: Palaeoclimates, palaeoenvironments and its role as an analogue for the current interglacial |url= |journal=Earth-Science Reviews |language=en |volume=128 |pages=18–51 |doi=10.1016/j.earscirev.2013.09.006}}</ref> One of the most important Clactonian sites was found near Ebbsfleet, Kent, where a large [[straight-tusked elephant]] (''Palaeoloxodon antiquus'') skeleton was found associated with Clactonian type stone tools, which are suggested to have been used to butcher the elephant. Evidence has also been found for the Clactonian butchery of [[fallow deer]] (''[[Dama clactoniana]]'').<ref name=":0" />{{clear}}{{clear}}
==See also==