Hwanghae dialect: Difference between revisions

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Kaepoong (talk | contribs)
Kaepoong (talk | contribs)
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In the Hwanghae dialect there is are nine vowels (ㅣ·ㅔ·ㅐ·ㅡ·ㅓ·ㅏ·ㅜ·ㅗ·ㅚ). Like the neighboring [[Pyongan dialect]], the sound of 어(eo) and 으(eu) sounds closer to the 오(o) and 우(u). The medieval korean vowel of ㆎ, as well as 의 is often pronounced as 에 (e.g. 나베, butterfly and 글페, two days after tomorrow). Difference in phonology is visible between northern areas, which contains infleunce from the Pyeongan dialect and southern regions, which contains some influence from the [[Gyeonggi dialectsdialect]].