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[[Bart Simpson|Bart]], needing money for the new video game console Gamestation 256, takes a job hanging menus on doors for a [[Thai cuisine|Thai]] restaurant. [[Lisa Simpson|Lisa]] is concerned that the menus are wasting paper and hurting the environment, but the family ignores her worries. On a trip to Krusty Burger to celebrate Bart's new job, they see protesters dressed as cows on the roof of the restaurant. The protesters unfurl a banner and accuse Krusty Burger of deforesting the rainforest to create grazing land for cattle. The police arrive and shoot the protesters with [[bean bag round]]s. As the protesters are being arrested, Lisa meets their leader—[[radical environmentalism|radical environmentalist]] Jesse Grass—and is instantly smitten with him.
Lisa visits Jesse in jail, but feels intimidated when she sees that he is more dedicated to [[environmentalism]] than she is. She attends a meeting of Jesse's activist group, Dirt First, and learns that an ancient tree in [[Springfield (The Simpsons)|Springfield]] is scheduled for demolition. Jesse asks if anyone in the group would be willing to live in the tree to prevent its destruction.; Lisa, hoping to impress him, volunteers. She climbs the tree and sets up camp, but after a few days she begins to miss her family. She sneaks away from the tree at night and goes home to see them, but finds them asleep., Sheso she lies down with them and accidentally falls asleep herself. When she rusheswakes toup in the treemorning inand rushes back to the morningtree, she finds it has collapsedbeen felled overnight.
Upon returning home, Lisa learns that the tree was not cut down by the loggers, but rather struck down by lightning (attracted by a metal bucket she left near the top), and that she is presumed dead. When Lisa learns that the forest will be turned into a nature preserve in her honor, she decides not to reveal that she is alive. [[Marge Simpson|Marge]] is angered by Lisa's decision, consideringrecalling the factbad luck that the Simpson family hadhas suffered badin luckthe past when it comes tocommitting farces for a noble cause., but [[Homer Simpson|Homer]] and Bart immediatelygo along with it and quickly begin to take advantage of the sympathy of the townspeople,. butHowever, when the [[Rich Texan]] changes his mind about the nature preserve and decides to instead turn the forest into an amusement park called "Lisa Land" rather than a nature preserve, Lisa angrily reveals herself to the public. Jesse Grassalso cutsprotests downby taking out the logsupports thatfor the destroyed tree, which has been logged and turned into a "Lisa Land" sign,; andthe itlog slides down a hill and intothrough Springfield's business district, destroyingwhere ait numberdestroys ofmultiple environmentallystores damagingand businessesoffice asbuildings, wellfor as a hemp clothing company.which Jesse is jailed once again,. andThe epilogue shows the log travelscontinuing to travel across the country, passing [[Mount Rushmore]] and ultimately winding its way down [[Lombard Street (San Francisco)|Lombard Street]] in [[San Francisco]] before reaching the [[Pacific Ocean]] and heading out to sea, all set to a parody of "[[This Land is Your Land]]" called "This Log is Your Log".
==Production and analysis==