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{{Short description|Iranian calligrapher and poet}}
{{Distinguish|Taj al-Dawla}}
{{Infobox royalty
| name = Taj Alol-DulehDowleh<br />تاج‌الدوله
| title = [[Khanum]]
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| reign-type =
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| birth_name = Tavus Khanum {{lang-fa|طاووس خانم|Tāvus Xānom}}
| birth_date = ?
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*[[Sayf ol-Dowleh]]
*Sultan Mohammad Mirza Seyf Al-Duleh
*[[Soltan Ahmad Mirza Azod Al-Duleh|Sultan Ahmad Mirza Azod Al-Duleh]]
*Farokhsir Mirza Naier Al-Duleh
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[[File:Fathalishahchildren5.jpg|thumb|Children of Fath-Ali Shah. First woman from right is Morasa Khanom and the man on the left is Soltan Ahmad Mirza Azod Al-Duleh]]
'''Taj Alol-DulehDowleh''' ({{lang-fa|تاج‌الدوله}}, died 1881) was the forty -second wife of [[Fath-Ali Shah Qajar]] and a poet. Her birth name was '''Tavus Khanum''' ({{lang-fa|طاووس خانم|Tāvus Xānom}}) and she was fromof [[Georgian descentpeople|Georgian]] descent.<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Farmanfarmaian |first1=Fatema Soudavar |title=An Iranian Perspective of J. B. Fraser's Trip to Khorasan in the 1820s |journal=Iranian Studies |date=2011 |volume=44 |issue=2 |page=225 |doi=10.1080/00210862.2011.541692|s2cid=162041391 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=Walcher |first1=Heidi |title=Face of the Seven Spheres: The Urban Morphology and Architecture of Nineteenth-Century Isfahan (Part Two) |journal=Iranian Studies |date=2001 |volume=34 |issue=1–4 |page=118 (note 3) |doi=10.1080/00210860108702000|s2cid=145640514 }}</ref> She was born in [[Isfahan]].
She married Fath-Ali Shah in 1845 when she was 15 years old. The King changed the name of bejeweled [[Sun Throne|Khorshid throne]] to Tavus throne on the occasion of this marriage.<ref>{{cite book|title=Great Islamic encyclopedia|language=Persian}}</ref> She was educated under the supervisor of [[Neshat Isfahani]]. After a while the King ordered to build a mansion for her because of his passionate love. Also a part of royal treasury was entrusted to her which was called the special treasury. Every [[Nowruz]] she used to invite the King along with his wives and married daughters to her mansion for thirteen days.<ref name="studies">{{cite web|title=Tavus Khanom|url=http://iichs.org/index.asp?id=814&doc_cat=9|website=Institute for Iranian contemporary historical studies|accessdate=29 November 2016|language=Persian}}</ref>
At the moment of the King's death, she was beside him in Isfahan and after that she took refuge to [[Mohammad Bagher Shafti]] from the princes' clashes for reign. After the enthronement of [[Mohammad Shah Qajar]] she donated all of her jewelry to him and went on a [[Hajj]] trip with her son, Seyf Al-Duleh. After some Hajj trips she went to [[Najaf]] and lived there until the end of her life. Her cemetery is in [[Imam Ali]]'s apron.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Jahangir Mirza|last2=Eghbal|first2=Abbas|title=Modern history|date=1948|language=Persian}}</ref>
She had six children: [[Sayf ol-Dowleh|Sultan Mohammad Mirza Seyf Al-Duleh]], [[Soltan Ahmad Mirza Azod Al-Duleh|Sultan Ahmad Mirza Azod Al-Duleh]], Farokhsir Mirza Naier Al-Duleh, Shirinjan Khanum, Khorshid-Kolah Khanum Shams Al-Duleh (she was married to [[Mirza MohammadAli Khan Nezam Al-Duleh]] and her daughter, Shams ol-Molouk, married [[Aga Khan II]]) and Morasa Khanum.
==See also==
*[[Esmail Merat]]