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The girl kneeling in Manet's painting has a similar kneeling pose to [[Cupid]] in The [[Rokeby Venus]] by [[Diego Velasquez]] .
Her left hand reaching towards the woman could then be interpreted as Beauty bound to love as it is in Velasquez's painting:
in Velasquez's painting the ribbons bind [[Cupid]] to the mirror (symbol of beauty) and in Manet the iron railings may symbolise the ribbons and binding or imprisonment.In Manet's painting the woman has buttons on her dress like pearls - Venus was adorned with pearls when she was born.The painting is situated in Manet's friend's garden at La Place de Rome ([[Venus]] is a roman goddess) and the railway and steam of the could symbolise Venus's lover [[Vulcan]] god of fire.The girl in Manet's painting has a blue bow tied in the middle of her back .This perhaps symbolises Cupid's wings and or the idea that love is a gift.The girl has her back turned to the viewer and this would be consistent with the symbolismlong instanding 19thtradition centuryin art that a turned back signifies love - [[Venus]] has her back turned to the viewer in The [[Rokeby Venus]].