The Road to Serfdom: Difference between revisions

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A role for government: Glen Beck is not an authoritative source on the subject. While his reflections certainly reflect popular opinion, the reference is out of place in context with the broader picture of this article.
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Undid revision 436862207 by RoaringTiger314 (talk)mentioning the book's invocation by popular commentators is relevannt
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==A role for government==
''The Road To Serfdom'' is often cited today for the proposition that government should not intervene at all in free markets; for example, [[Glenn Beck]] said "The book clearly and logically explained how any form of central government planning eventually leads to serfdom (or servitude) and extinguishes freedom."<ref>June 8, 2010 Accessed January 15, 2011</ref>
Although Hayek believed that government intervention in markets would lead to a loss of freedom, he recognized a limited role for government to perform tasks of which free markets were not capable:
<blockquote>The successful use of competition as the principle of social organization precludes certain types of coercive interference with economic life, but it admits of others which sometimes may very considerably assist its work and even requires certain kinds of government action.<ref>{{Harvcolnb|Hayek|1994|p=42}}</ref></blockquote>